[29]Crows are scary...

Feeling: dizzy
Today we watched The Birds and Arachnaphobia. The Birds was kinda scary, but not enough to give me nightmares or anything. And Arachnaphobia was a cool movie. Every once in a while during I'd get the chills but I wasn't scared. Dominic was freaking out. He's an arachnaphobe. I never got that fear... they're just spiders! MOST of them can't harm anyone... Dennis didn't give us any assignments today, so I have time to kick back. I'm just gonna hang out on the computer and read my book and stuff. Maybe I can get it done today. Then I can start reading Dracula. Hm... not much happened. Some girls in my intensive (the actually NICE, quiet ones) think I'm rich or something. Dorothy, one of my kinda-friend's, asked if I go out to lunch everyday. And besides Mondays and Wednesdays (not counting dead week) I do. It was funny. Sidney finally wrote in his diary!!!!! Sorry, I'm happy :D I was reading in the car on the way home so I'm really dizzy right now. I feel like closing my eyes and never opening them again. My head is pounding. Okay I'll write again later if anything "special" happens. Buh-bye. TTFN *** I finished Touching Spirit Bear. It was good! It was weird though... whenever the main character took a blow, I felt it. This guy named Pepter was beating Cole, the main character, up, and when Peter kicked him in the stomach and knocked the air out of him, I felt a harsh pain and couldn't breathe. That's how good with author is. It's almost scary.
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hey sie check out my diarie im just startig it so it sucks its "tweekbeme"