[49]I'm gonna be honest.

Listening to: TV
Feeling: neurotic
I'll explain the title in a minute. Well, my trip to Seward was fun. We didn't do much, but it was fun. I found out the name of my puppy. Her name is Bubbles. I say she's my puppy because every time I go to Miller's Landing she follows me around everywhere and I always give her the last slice of my pizza. I love her sooooo much!!! She loves to play fetch. Anyway. Amanda and Jess and I had a pillow fight last night.... Manda is my sister's friend. It was fun. Manda was all hyper when Jess was trying to get to sleep and Manda hit Jess in the butt with a pillow, so Jess hit her back, and I heard it all from my room and ran over to join in :P Then Manda kept trying to scare me because Jess said that my bedroom was haunted. First she opened my bedroom door really slowly when I was writing, and I knew she would. And after that, I was in the bathroom and I heard her run across the hallway and open the door to my closet so I went there and opened the door. It was pretty funny. I think I scared her on that one. Okay on to the title. I feel like I can't breathe because I'm about to say this.... But I'm sure that it doesn't matter anyway because I don't think that he reads my diary anymore. And if he does I just hope he doesn't freak out about it. I have a crush on Sidney. Hell, it's way more than a crush. I've been trying to convince myself that it's JUST a crush ever since Jordan and I broke up, but I can't stop thinking about him. It's driving me crazy. I haven't felt this way about anyone... ever. That's a scary thought. But I know he doesn't like me the same way. I know it for a fact. I've heard it from his very lips, several times. So fuck it. I just needed to tell someone besides my mom. I don't actually expect anything to happen. And Brendon and Zack, I know you're both reading this so PLEASE don't tell him if he doesn't find out himself. Okay nothing much else is going on. I'm gonna go write now. Bye. TTFN
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Oh Hell. I didn't even think if it was your Tweek or not..What does he look like? Does he hang out all the time at the Diamond Mall?

Packing is evil. Evvvvvillll, I say!! :P

Twas not a problem, dearie :)
Yesh, I changed the layout again. I suppose I shoulda said something, lol

Dude, it would be fucking WEIRD if my Tweek was your Tweek.




Hehe *Hugs* :D