[200]Ugly comfort

Feeling: amused
We got a new car! Woot! It's an Element! Damn! Yeah, I hate Elements. Or I did. They're the most hideous thing I've ever seen from the outside, but the inside is soooooo nice. :D Anyway. After we got it, we came home and had dinner (which was lousy cornbread. I feel like I'm in prison or something) and then we went for a drive. We went out to Eagle River and stopped at Cold Stone to get some ice cream. The workers there were so cool. Three girls were singing the Banana song, and the guy was dancing to music on the Buzz while he cleaned the display window thingy.... Anyway. Then we came home. Yep. An now I'm here. Just chatting it up with Jordan :P Okay, I think that's about all. Oh yeah, I'm gonna try to write in here more regularly. Even if I have nothing to talk about :P
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u got a car?????damn u....lol..i should steel it mwahahahahahahaheheheeheehee god loves endorphin..hehe...hey go leaves notes in my diary like noooowwww....lol love ya sie....
yes!!!!! do that!!!!! i love reading this!!!!!