[113]FLYING FUCK!!!!

Listening to: Launch
Feeling: pissy
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!!!!! Pitas is even more fucked up than SitD!!!! I was working on Drina's diary a little bit, and somehow all her backgrounds got copied onto my diary! She my awesome dragon background is gone! DAMMIT!!! I'm just delete the fucking thing! It's not fucking worth it!!! I was thinking about asking Jess if she would fix it, but I know she won't. She's fed up with fixing my websites :P God, how dumb is that fucking site, anyway? How the fuck is it even possible for all of Drina's codes to get transferred to my diary when I'm not even logged on??? Oh, and Drina, don't worry, your diary is still the same ;) Bye.
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