Secret Santa

Listening to: Coldplay - Yellow
Helloooooo! Its sunday night, I worked all weekend. Sucked major butt! There was a fight over there Saturday, just some ladies yelling at eachother. I had to call security, it was pretty damn funny! Well last week I didnt do much. I had a final Monday. I'm finally done with first semester. YAY! Tuesday and Thursday I had to take my little cousins to their violin concerts. They were so boring. Their parents couldnt go so I went and recoded them. I got paid so its all good. I did alot of Christmas shopping last week, I'm almost done. I need to get my cousins something, one of my aunts! lol. I think I might get my hair cut too. I wanna cut it like Jennifer Aniston well....ok if you watch friends you'll know what i'm talking about. When Rachael moved in with Joey and her hair was super short...thats how I want mine. I finally got Danny's secret santa gift. For those who dont know Danny is my EX and ever since we broke we dont talk, but we have the same friend...its weird. Well he went back to his ex after we broke up and ever since they got back together, we never see Danny. Well we decided to do secret santa's rather then getting everyone in our little group gifts. The question was do we put his girlfriend in it cause no one really talks to her. Well they did, but anyways...the night they all drew names i had gone out with some friends from high school and they all went out ot eat. I met up with them after and there were only 3 names left. Well I picked Danny...of all names! Well i had no clue what to get him so me melissa and carlos went on a mission to get danny a gift. Well they told me he liked Scarface but the DVD was like $20 and the limit was $ that was out. I figured that was the only thing i could get him and know he would like it but I didnt know if he already had it. I called Julian and asked him and at first he said yes and then he was like but dont get it. He was like "since your his ex, hes gonna expect something shitty and you cant get something as good as scarface." That kinda made me mad so i was like whatever. I asked my friend kelly to ask danny if he had the movie and sure enough he said he wanted it! So I went to this place where they sell used DVD's and got it for $11.99!!! I'm kinda excited about giving it to him but I really dont want him to know I'm his secret santa... Well We got a Christmas tree! Its real!!! LOL! We have never had a real tree so its kinda cool. We got in like at 10 saturday night and i decorated it and everything till about 1. I was so excited, hehe! Well I can't wait till Christmas, I got so many gifts. It makes me feel kinda good. Me and melissa got an angel from the angel tree at work. Her name was Samantha and she was 2. She wanted a carebear. It was soo cute. We went shopping and we got her some cloths and 4 little carebears. We spent about $40 and split it. Thats not bad though cause they said the average person spends like $60-$80. Well anyways, My friend carlos is gonna have a new years party (its a pajama party!!!), i'm kinda excited about that but then again I'm not. Its gonan be new years and I kinda wanna have someone for that night and since Im gonna be surrounded my couples I dont know if I really wanna go. I'm used to being around couples but this is gonna be way different. Thats when we are gonna exchange gifts for secret santas so I kinda need to go but still. Gr, I need to find a boyfriend fast! LOL! Well I'm gonna go, its getting kinda late and I have a full day of nothing planned tomorrow! till next time!
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just do you do your upside down words and outline thing?
oh thank you. I really love your diary, the links thing is awesome.
your very welcome
