Hey!!! Its like 10:00 am...I dont know why I'm awake, i didnt have school today! I usually dont get up till like 12ish. I guess I'm gonna get my day started earlier.
Wednesday I got my pipe! Its soooooo pretty! Its like pink, blue and yellow! I cant wait to use it, maybe tonight if I go out. The guy at the store was super nice, he said I have to name it. I dont know what to call it though. I need ideas!
Yesterday sucked! I wanted to do something so bad, but I ended up staying home all night! I had a headach and I was really moody, I dont know why though. I talked to Randy last night. I hadnt talked to him in about a month. That went well...i guess. We didn't talk much, his phone died on me.
I talked to Danny yesterday for a little while. I dont know whats going on with that. I'm just not gonna call him for a while, i might wait till my b-day cause i feel like I'm buggin him...GR! It pisses me off so much! Why do guys just love to lead us on?!?!
Well I'm gonna go work out, then go tanning and prolly go swimming for a little bit. Till next time!

Your Heart is Blue
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