I have found its the simple things in life that can make a day so bright. A simple things can spark a smile that doesnt fade for days. At the same time a simple thing can make the day last way to long.
"My only regret is that the last words you hear from my lips wont be I Love You"
"If I could only relive one day in my life before everything would fade away...I would take even the worst day with you over the greatest that I did not fall asleep next to you."
When I said Always and Forever I ment it even more than I even knew.
I have so much I wish to say...but you will never hear the words you will never see the tears. I will simply fade into the darkness of the forgotten. But thats ok because my life will always be amazing becasue I will never forget the way I felt when I realized what this really was.
Let me leave no illussion. I have brought this on myself. It was me that broke my heart. I have done things that I cant blaime you for holding on to...I think the thing that hurts me the most is the fact that I can see you have moved on.