
Ok..WTF is Bush wins I will be pissed. But I will live..and eventually get over it..LOL. But yeah..annnyyywhoooos. My fingers are like FRROOZZEENN but I'm still typing. What a freak eh? :D well..nothing new happened today..same ol' broing days at pulaski high. It seems like things are just soo..I DUNNO?? drama-FREE?? I guess that can be a good thing..but life isn't life without some drama stirring things up LOL. Hrmm..just going through som old music on the media player and I found good charlotte..DAMN I haven't listened to them in such a freakin' long time..and I realized that some of their songs helped me through alot of tough times.."the hard times will come and we'll keep movin' on"..so yeah peoples..I guess I'll complain another time. and god..do I complain ALOT..LOL Vang pointed that out.. Ok anyways..DAMN I MUST BE BORED FOR DOING THIS.. - - 1]* Using musican names, spell out your name: E M I L Y [2]* Have you ever had a song written about you?: I wish [3]* What songs makes you cry?: I'm Sorry-Maria Mena [4]* What songs makes you happy?: Too Many [5]* What do you like to listen to before bed? uh..whichever Cd I picked a p p e a r a n c e [6]* HEIGHT: 5' [7]* HAIR COLOR: brownish [8]* SKIN COLOR: light tanish? lol [9]* EYE COLOR: brown/black [10]* PIERCINGS: nada [11]* TATTOOS: none r i g h t * n o w [12]* WHAT COLOR PANTS ARE YOU WEARING?: blue [13]* WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO?: Movin' On-GC [14]* WHAT TASTE IS IN YOUR MOUTH?: orbits speramints [15]* WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE?: cold and shitty d o * y o u [16]* GET MOTION SICKNESS?: nope [17]* HAVE A BAD HABIT? many [18]* GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS?: on and off [19]* LIKE TO DRIVE?: um if I don't crash into something then yes lol f a v o r i t e s [20]* TV SHOW: Oc NOV.4TH!! ad One Tree Hill [21]* CONDITIONER: Herbal essences [22]* BOOK: Mannny.. [24]* MAGAZINE: YM [24]* NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK: nestea sweetend ice tea [25]* ALCOHOLIC DRINK: I wouldn't know LOL [26]* THING TO DO ON THE WEEKEND: Going OUt [27]* BAND OR GROUP or SINGER or RAPPER: Band: YellowCard Singer: Usher Rapper: ? h a v e * y o u [28]* BROKEN THE LAW: yes [29]* RAN AWAY FROM HOME: once..for like an hour..LOL [30]* SNUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE: no [31]* MADE A PRANK PHONE CALL: YES [32]* EVER TIPPED OVER A PORTA POTTY: no.. [33]* USED YOUR PARENTS CREDIT CARD: yes [34]* SKIPPED SCHOOL BEFORE: no [35]* FELL ASLEEP IN THE SHOWER/BATH: no [36]* BEEN IN A SCHOOL PLAY: not a school play but a town play [37]* LET A FRIEND CRY ON YOUR SHOULDER: um..i think? lol l o v e [38]* BOYFRIEND: yes [39]* GIRLFRIEND: yes LOL [40]* CHILDREN: no [41]*CURRENT CRUSH: must not mention name [42]* BEEN IN LOVE?: no [43]* HAD A HARD TIME GETTING OVER SOMEONE: Daniel TOOK A FREAKIN' YEAR! LMAO [44]* BEEN HURT?: yes [45]* YOUR GREATEST REGRET: over reacting [46]* GONE OUT WITH A SOMEONE YOU ONLY KNEW FOR THREE DAYS: HAHA YEP r a n d o m [47]* DO YOU HAVE A JOB?: no [48]* YOUR CD PLAYER HAS IN IT RIGHT NOW: mixed cd [49]* IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE?: er..? [50]* WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?: friends [51]* WHO MAKES YOU THE HAPPIEST?: many people [52]* WHAT'S THE NEXT CD YOU'RE GONNA GET?: Usher's New one [53]* WHO DO YOU CONSIDER GOOD FRIENDS?: LIZ, andrea, kara, LIZ LOL [54]* WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO: shop..shop w h e n / w h a t * w a s * t h e * l a s t [55]* TIME YOU CRIED?: couple of weeks ago [56]* YOU GOT A REAL LETTER?: damn..too long ago [57]* YOU GOT E-MAIL: can't check so i don't know [58]* THING YOU PURCHASED: a drink [59]* TV PROGRAM YOU WATCHED: One Tree Hill [60]* MOVIE YOU SAW AT THE THEATER: Princess Dairies 2 y o u r * t h o u g h t s * o n [61]* ABORTION: NEVER..well ok god now I'm undecided because abortion helps the stem-cell thingy.. [62]* TEENAGE SMOKING: I HATE SMOKING [63]* SPICE GIRLS: I loved them [64]* DREAMS: are wishes that may or may not come true [65]* THIS SURVEY: long. [66]* TEEN DRINKING: funny as hell
Read 3 comments
tell him how you feel about that girl, he'd understand probably
no, don't give in to that bitch. stand up for what you believe
I guess...but tell me this r u happy with wat u have now or dou still want the past?.....peewee