No matter what happens..I'll always consider my years at Audubon my best. But I have to move on from it, and trust me I am. Life at Pulaski may not be the greatest, I may not have the best friends like ATCC but its where I am at the moment..I'm trying to make the best of it. No, my friends from atcc will never and can never be replaced. they're something special..something else. :) is out of town til SuNDAY! come people..let's go out and do something!
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hey man if ur parents are out... then u better start printin out invitations and send en all around milwaukee!! cuz were gonna thro down at ur house!!
so hurry up and get me that address b4 sunday emili-o!!

Hey Ems! I know we have grown apart a lil bit this year, but I still think of you as one of my good friends. So we are going to have to make the most of your last months here!! So if you can -today- come to mccarty park around 1.. or later and hang with us!! ok!!
[thanks for everything :)]
I guess..ever time ur parent went some where and u go out?...y don't u do that with me huh?.peewee