Socks and Noses.

Well, the concert went ahead as planned, and it seems that Bach was rather unwilling to have his socks rocked off (which is reasonable because I suppose it could get quite cold all that way underground) but I rocked Vivaldi's off instead (well, he lived in Venice, so maybe it's warmer underground there) and Bach probably had his nose rocked off (he would probably want to get rid of that anyway). Yes, so parosols were provided for the audience to avoid colision in the event of low flying socks and noses. I'm going to stop talking crap now. I've got a new headscarf. It's about 24 inches long, 4 inches wide, it's black silk, and it cost me a tenner. £10. Approximately 16 American dollars for those of us more familiar with American currency. I vow never to shop at Topshop again. ... until Bach wants some replacement socks after our concert a week on Saturday. :-D ~~~~~~~~~~~ Holy hell I miss you. Why do I miss you? It's meeeeeee!
Read 22 comments
aww, you dont have a camera? that sucks...its a candle holder with stars cut out of it and inside is [surprise, surprise]... a candle.
Cool hair, meeeeee.
ur really pretty~Melissa
got problems? i got some advice for ya
Sexay Moosey! =D Hehehe. Whoo!

Thanks for my head, I kinda missed it. It plays a big part in my life, y'know. =P
aww, youre so i want you in my pocket even more!
did you run out and steal a camera?
thats a good idea...
cool diary
Exactly. They are just not on.

Tut, tut.


Can I have my head back soon, please?

damn..i miss you too....

Hahaha. You can't Bach my socks off! (Only 'cause I'm not wearing any...)

Don't worry, I fancy you too. =D

You can chomp my head off if you want, I'll remember what you just said then and all will be fine.

uhh, yeah that would have been bad after i was complimenting myself and then no one could even tell what it was...
well, im glad hes gone from your mind but i was looking forward to the vacuuming so mabey we can just still do it...just in case...
I got headscarfs from H&M...

They were £2.99 each


Topshop is eeeeevvvvvvvvviiiilllllllllll!!!!!
yeah, i took those...
my talent is astounding huh?
my camera is super cheap and only works lately plugged up to the computer so my options are limited right now...
uhh, sure...ill wait to you actually die...
i mean, thats what i was planning...what did you think...
my vacuum is perfectly safe for brains, yep...
dammit, youre on to me...
okay, okay no mummifying!
yeah, i hate when people say stupid stuff like that, it really pisses me you just like feeling sad and missing someone.
missing someone is one of the worst does always get better but until you get to that point its just torture.
my vacuum has a hose so i can get in all the corners.
well, youre in luck...
i have a vacuum and i like to suck brains out.
come on over and we will get the job done.
its okay to be all over like that, it could be that really your mind is just trying to get them all out of your system and in doing that you have to go back over each one, there could be someone new comeing along and you just have to make way...
like your brain is spring cleaning.
what is ice?
well, if he was like that then mabey its a good thing you dont have his number...
youre probably feeling bad about something else and just feel the need for someone and your brain produced him...stuff him back in there and pull out another one.
oh okay, yeah i just assumed it was tommy from on here...
man, you lucys with your identical named guys...i cant keep up...
well, its okay to miss someone and mabey you just should call him or something, mabey hes thinking the same things about you?
yeah, of course cute little button noses are fine, but the ones that are long and points [like a birds beak!] are scarey.
aww, i know how you feel missing someone, is there any hope for the two of you to get back together?
nice background.
head scarves are cool...
so are socks, if they are the right kind...
noses are kind of scarey.