Joe Shmoe.

I am le tired. And I'm in a shitty mood 'cause I had a shitty time in shitty York because Joe was in a shitty mood because he's a big shitty shithead. We went to see his 'favourite band of all time!!!' last night and all appart from the enchore set was poo. Well, okay, they weren't that poo, they were a really good live band, but they're irish, and after about 20 minutes of same-sounding songs I was starting to get severely bored. Add that to the fact that I was nackered and on my period (dammit being a girl sucks.) and you get no nakidity for Lucy on Monday night. Well, okay I was semi naked, and he was naked, but all we could do was cuddle on the sofa :o(. Haha, and apparently I snored!! That must be the only night in my life so far on record! Today we went to see a film, but Joe was doing his moody, unresponsive, i'm-not'going-to-kiss-you-or-hold-your-hand-or-talk-to-you-or-even-look-at-you thing, and by the end of Bridget Jones (which, by the way would have been very good if it weren't for Joseph Shmoseph I'mgonnabeamorgyget-oseph) I was starting to get really really annoyed. So I told him I wanted to go home, and then I got called moody!! This would have been okay if it was a one off thing, but he's also been doing it for the past week and it's starting to get very boring. I am, however, prepared, for the next week-or-so, to put it down to the fact that this new job of his requires him to work 'till 1am most nights, and therefore he's quite tired at the moment. But if it carries on for more than the next week-or-so, I shalt be having stern words. Yesyes. Feel my wrath Joseph Smith. Yeah, that's his name, Joseph smith! Hahaha!!
Read 4 comments
what's wrong with irish?
joe schmoe was a good show.

you went to see bj! too bad he ruined it.
Awww. Non-communicative Joe. =( That sounds like le crap.

Gigs when on period = uncomfortable.
Lack of nekkidness when on period = uforgivable.

Goddamn nature.

Boys are annoying. When they like you, they ignore you, and then when they don't, they send you the wrong signals. I think they should wear big signs on their heads saying what they feel.
