
I should be doing coursework right now. I'm on here instead. I have de ja vous. Aaaaaaanyway, I had a Sinphonietta concert on Monday which went really well compared to the average state of crapness in most rehersals. I also had a Mint Matchmakers Mc Flurry from Mac Donalds, which I can safely say, is one of the best things I have ever had in the world. EVER. It rocked. If you live in England, go get one!! NOW!!! It's that good I had to use HTML to accentuate the goodness. Unfortunately for those of us who are hooked allready after only one helping (i.e. me and Laura) it's only a christmas offer thingy. Me and Laura have come to the agreement that it should be for life, not just for christmas. Yesyes. And the coursework is still there. Joe's lent me the new-ish Fighters Foo album and I'm hooked on Halo. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaloooooooooooooooooooo.... And it's still there. Go away please. :o)
Read 5 comments
if you ask nicely maybe it will do itself! :D

ooer. i had a feeling you might have been sarcastic but still... maybe i am just crap. :| HURRAY for crap.
and accentuating goodness with html.
"oooh baby, i almost had an orgasm without you today."
I love the Foo Fighters.

yay, you're username is very happy.
You must tell me what he says about it. xD yay 7/8ths of an orgasm.

im adding you to my friends list because you're too cool not to be on it. im sorry.