I von too suck your pee-nuts.

I've just come to a horrific conclusion. Allthough I can indeed play Bach concertos to quite a high standard, Bach appears to be all I can play. I can't actually play anything else. NOTHING. Which is going to prove a rather large problem when it comes to my assessment, because I have to play 2 very hard peices, both of which are destincly not Bach. Dammit. Not even similar. "Please Mr Sidebottom (yes my violin techer is called Raymond Sidebottom. What rotten luck. Haha!)!! I tried to play the Caesar Franck!! I really did!! Pleeaaaase dont eat me!! NOOOOOOOoooooooooooo......" My mum bought shitty peanuts. I love peanuts, and she knows it, and she bought the shitty rubbish Morrisons own brand instead of KP. "But the bags twice the size for half the price..." fuck off!! But I'm still eating them, because they're there, staring at me. Tormenting me. Like Pringles. Argh. Why is my fly allways undone? I must remember to do it up before I get into some embarrassing situations. I went shopping with my mum this morning. Only because I was promised hot chocolate in the Thorntons cafe. And hot chocolate from the Thorntons cafe I got. Allong with some rather tasty dark and white chocolate cheescake. Yuuuuuuuuum... Holy shit these peanuts are minging. **tosses said peanuts out of upstairs widow and sticks up twos after them** College tomorrow. I really don't want to go. My Mondays are positively poo. I have from 12pm - 6pm with no break, which encludes theatre with John fucking-arsewiping-sweaty-dog-bollock-eating-wankface Joyce, and performance studies with Katie Shitface. Poor peanuts, it's not their fault they had a bad start in life... Okay, I might be going slightly insane. Over and under and out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These happy days are yours and mine, these happy days are yours and mine, happy days. He said: Marry me please. She said: I might consider it, maybe... if you were the last guy on earth. He said: I'll just have to become a mass murderer then won't I? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buahahahahahahahaaaaa!!! I am Tommytigree the scare-meister and I am taking over Lucy's diary!!! FEAR MEEEE!!! Haha hello bumblebee!! :)
Read 22 comments
GAAHAHAHAA! You made me smile.

That is SO TRUE...your observation about "private" internet diaries. Those folks should just get themselves spiral notebooks, write in them, and stash them under their mattresses. Stop clogging up Cyberspace with their OH SO SECRET trash.

hairy muff. i'm a metalhead, i'm in a HXC band anyhoo. we're holding a band meeting soon, we're gonna change our name.
: P
I beg you to cast me in that version, even if it's as a bar wench or something.
(Did they even have bar wenches in that movie?....no, haha.)
You know what I did?

I looked back an entry, only to descover that you're only coming next weekend to see Socks.


Not talking to you.

good advice.. it's just i'm very shy so asking someone to shop would be odd for me. But i thinkthat's great advice. And wow you live in London. that's awesome!! Ty for the advice and i look forward to college!!

Okay fuckface.

Love you.

Obviously because YOU'RE gay. That's why.

Yes, please.

Skin is good, yes.

Unless it's no longer attached to the person/animal it came from (exceptions include leather, etc.)

In which case it can be annoying. Bloody dust.

Nah it's just today.

Poppy's being a bitch though. She's suddenly grown into an evil superbitch in my absence.
It definately would not surprise me, you know.

Did you like my nice little addaptation to you diary habitat?! You really should change your passwords once in a while. :p
dont be a slut.
i also believe you should learn some beethoven and some AC/DC.
: P
Here'w your fucking comment!!! I hope your tongue stump clots and you taste nothing buy scabs for a week. Nyah. :D
Thanks for reading my shit and for liking it too AND FOR TELLING ME SO! People who say they don't crave compliments are lying (I AM FOR SURE SOME KIND OF APPROVAL JUNKIE). So thanks a whole HELLA for the fix. I love nuts too. I mostly love more expensive ones than peanuts but I do inhale them all. How can one brand name of peanut be different than another since peanuts all come from the ground like God made em. Do some companies cook em wrong?
Ooooh, you did go browny beigey thingy. Cool. I like it.

When I read your comment about the coconutty shower gel I could actually smell coconuts. It was nice.

emokids are fucking ugly little things. you should kick whoever said that shit right in the nuts or burn their hair or something.
: P
you're far FAR too sexlicious to be a hillbilly. but you can be a punk rocker.
: P
grrr, aaargh. hayseed dixie is a bluegrass AC/DC tribute band. with fiddles and banjoes and such. yarr!!
: P
yes, yes they do.
john lennon is positively yummy, even still, no?
yeah, moulin rouge was pretty good for a musical type movie that didn't already have a stage version. I love that movie too.
You have great taste, I approve!
Have a good day!
then you'll just have to check out hayseed dixie. yarr.
: P
i also believe you should learn some beethoven and some AC/DC.
: P