Why does God have to have a sense of humour?

Firstly, and most importantly, my sister happens to have gayed the mouse by bashing the left click. Meaning I have to resort to use of the stupidly gay old upstairs PC mouse, which, allthough is considerably gay, is not as gay as having to do without the left click, but it doesn't have an effing scrolly wheel for arse's sake. She will pay for a new mouse, even if have have to convince her by manually inserting the old one up her bum. Argh. So, yes, latest events in the world of Lucy. I got to church at five last night, having done none of my music Industry coursework that was to be in for today, and I get a wonderful phone call from Clara to lighten my spirits. It went as follows (and, no, I can't be arssed alternating between bold and italic like I normally do. Especially seeing as I now have a gay mouse. Okay, so that HTML was essential...): "Ey up kid." "Hi Lucy, I was wondering, you know this music industry cousework? Well, do you know what to put for..." "I haven't even started it yet mate." "You're joking?!" "Nope." "Haha good luck, it's taken me, like 10 hours!!" I was gonna be home for about 11 that evening. My initial reaction: SHIT. Especially seeing as I also had a rondo to compose for today. Argh. So I crapped myself for a bit, then tried to do some in the sermon, but didn't get much done, seeing as the sermon was actually quite good (damn God and his sense of humour!!). Then at home and did it in about two hours. Cheers Clara! And then, I managed to blag another extension today for my rondo! Check Lucy being on fire! Mwahahahaha. Alex is pissing me off. Probably because I like him and he has the outright cheek to not like me. How dare he. It's just ain't on. Ugh de ja vous.
Read 8 comments
Boys who don't like us (you and I, dear friend) should be slapped. Hard. Or maybe kneed in the groin.
How can he not like you? I think you should manually insert the mouse up his arse. And see how he likes you then!

I SWEAR Lucy, when I saw yer line sayin Tommys got 10", my jaw dropped & my eyes popped & I was startin to say in my head, "LUCY BUTTERTONGUE! You told me Tommy was AVERAGE, & NOW yer tellin me hes HUNG. Young lady, I need to know WHICH IS IT!" GAHAHA! Oh boy, I was gettin all flustered, cause I like Tommy & I like Xtreme Penis &..well, pat yerself on the back cuz you got me goin there for a minute. Then you said Just Kiddin! & I calmed down. :D
Lucy's MOUSE is gay, and SCOTT is gay. Thus, SCOTT is a MOUSE.

Isn't that the way LOGIC works? It's been so long since I studied it in school.

But you know, there IS a connection between me and the mouse. At least there SEEMS to be, based upon your prediction that said mouse is going to be traveling up an arsehole in the near future.


Haha. You would think that way Moosey, you would think that way.

Dirty bi-atch.
All Lucy's should be loved by everyone by law.


Not that I'm slightly power-crazed.
i boo alex. if he doesn't wise up and seduce you as you deserve to be seduced, i'm going to have to take measures and rightly seduce you myself.
Be nice to me!!! I'm sooo fucking wasted right now!