Rodger the Cabin Boy.

News flash of the week: Danny wants to 'rodger' me. Yep, he said next time I see him I'm 'gonna get a good rodgering'. Whatever Danny. What is it about blokes, that when they want you, you don't want them back?
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You're so right. When you want them, they don't want you. When they want you, you don't want them. JUST BECAUSE I CHANGE MY MIND DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO. I think things are Ok. Maybe you're right. Maybe we're not meant to be. he's being really nice. Right now, I think we both want each other. Which is a fucking miracle.

Lucy x x x
i dont know what rodgering is, but sounds fun...
yeah, i only speak retard french and a little retart spanish also so, tenga cuidado!
i really want to learn itallion too!
and itallion boys are so hot...
i dont know much spanish, only what i learned from my friends.
hmm, ill have to use that term more often then...
rodgering... you wacky brittish never cease to amuse me.
Why can't boys just stay with their minds made up and let us change? God, they're so fucking confusing.

Lucy x x x