Been Gone

Feeling: alone
I have been unable to write anything for awhile but I have missed the umm ability to talk to my friends such as Sylvia and all that. I am really depressed lately because of all these family problems and such everyone in my family is fighting.This song means a lot to me this is the song my first girlfriend who I went out with for two and a half years who broke up with me, and I's song that is probably super gramatically incorrect but who the fuck cares anyway. I have to go do some shit so ttyl.
Read 14 comments
yeah gothic is fuckin dress' and pale makeup thats just not for me
you know, it seemed you were in a hurry, that didnt make much sense, and neither did your comment to me....or maybe i am just being blond....
i wasnt talking about interlachen. i was talking about waycross. in georgia....which is why i think it confused me....
whose computer have you been using?
dont any of them have some type of instant messaging program that you can use.....?? yahoo...aim...anything?
sign on and click IM, then put in my sn SuiCid3FaRi3....and start talking. if you dont have a screne name to use, make one.
I'm pretty depressed too, but yes, I hate it when families fight, my family portraits broken, but I hope you pull through and feel better...
I'm sorry you are depressed doll, wish there was something i could do, but alas, i am here and you are where ever you are, so i can't do much for you.
Good taste in music dude.

Slayer = sex
i dont know what to say, but i wanted to say something, so um, there, my exsistance has been recognized. yes, im bored, oh i cant wait till this week is over.....*sad pouty face* why arent you here making me feel better....
Yeah it hurt. It was my father.
pantera sucks so much dick
you need to update more, just so i know your still alive. geez, emails arent enough....
sounds good...the Wonders. i like the name. are you today?