On the Road To My Death

Listening to: Hyrarchy - Cast Down
Feeling: alienated
ugh, thats all there really is to say right now. I hate. I hate. anyways, that party at Mike's sucked ass, I thinkk everybody but me, well I take that back Mary Rikki and Mac didnt either, but either way everyone else just got really high and was being stupid......who all was there again, Tim, Mike, Katrina..who left, D.J, Matt Zack Litchfield and his sister, Zack Branham, Brandon, Drew, whatever it was boring and gay.Me and Kyle ended up walking back to Kyles house from Melrose, at like almost 2 a.m it was fucking ridiculous.We left without telling anyone...I dont know I was scared shitless though if a cop would have pulled up...first of there is a curfew, and second Kyle was high out of his mind. I need to die. I hate all this shit. Rikki and Mac said that I was pussy whipped by Sylvia.....wow.....you know its probably true, and they were laughing at me and saying hah your pussy whipped by a girl your not even going out with. I guess thats funny I nevermind whatever all in fun I assume.And I think I well nevermind...I am not gonna say anything it is ridiculous it wont ever happen.
Read 10 comments
a bunch of pointless comments on your sit entry...you are my sunshi....oh wait...i've already done that one. well i cant think of any other songs that no one knows the names of to post here...so when i do think of one..well you'll see it. bugger..this computer keeps beeping at me becuase i'm typing too fast and i keep pressing too many keys at once. hmm..what to say, this is my last comment, but i cant just stop here i wonder when i'll run out of
hmm..i noticed...that i didnt even sign all those comments..dude now i have like 400 spaces to use in this comment box and before signing in i only had like 100. that's insane. which means now that i took the time to sign in i can use a lot of words and spaces just to take up room in this box and make it look like i'm leaving you a lot of very imporatant comments as if i have anything better to do. like there would be anything better than leaving
signing in, you get less amounts of letters to use...that's insane. yeah well, i hope you get on tonight. i'll keep checking and stuff. cheers.
hope the rest of your weekend doenst suck. it keeps signing me out so i'm just ignoring it. did you know that if you're leaving a comment without sign
have been there, it was probably better than me having to watch monster in law up here. i feel so far away..and yet not so far. anyways, i hope the re
i so dont have you pussy wipped. that's rediculous..you only do what i say to make me happy, and that only makes you a good friend. i wish i could hav
Dude you are so pussy whipped by her, yeah your being a good friend but you just dont ever want her to be mad at you because you like her too much dude your pathetic.
Goddamn I wanted to fuck....fuck life, it sucks *grabs a beer* cheers to a shitty life matey

wow... that was all intresting... hm i don't no i think your just nice to her and you seem to want your friends happy witch is cool but i don't think you are "pussy whiped" imean god every1 wants to keep sylvia happy.... even me... so they are wrong cause i say so....
i didnt say that, rikki did.