talkin dirty

so i was cleaning the kitchen after dinner and i was telling my grandma how i was going to vote this year. then something came on the news about the elections and yadda yadda yadda.... and my grandpa says, "i hate that guy... (democratic) they always talk dirty about each other." he likes bush. so anyway... my first thought was, 'this is coming out of the mouth of a man who talks shit about everyone. what the hell is he saying???' hmm.... interesting.
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hey, all I know is only you take out the space before "img"... and the picture has to be in your image manager. if that doesn't work, then I don't know. Sorry. Hey, i've tried and I have my comment pic saved as "comment_pic.jpg" and it still doesn't work.. do you know what's up? if you could help then that would be great, thanks. oh yes, I bet it's a cute pic, but I can't see it.

wow thats funny. lol
well just wanted to say hi!