
Feeling: unloved
So this is my list of everything I am and some things I'm not....
- I’m a loser at heart - no, I really am - But when I’m around the right people I really don’t care - I try not to let other people affect me - Some still do, but I think I picked good ones - I try to be myself no matter what - I trust my gut more than my mind - I have a masochistic personality - I have amazing empathic abilities - I like to have real relationships with people - I’m outspoken and loud - I can be an asshole sometimes - It’s really hard for me to trust people - It’s really hard for me to let others care - My friends are my life, period, no questions - There are people I would do anything> for - There are also ones I wouldn’t piss to put out - I truly believe you only get one chance at a first impression - So, it’s really hard to get me to give you a second chance - Even though it doesn’t seem it, I really do care - enjoy music and writing - I guess you could call me “artistic” - I cannot sing, but that doesn’t stop me from trying - I’m really good at lying, and most certainly not proud of it - I could pretty much bullshit myself out of anything - But if I did something wrong I’m the first to admit it - I don’t like keeping secrets, but sometimes it’s necessary - I used to cut myself, I burned myself once - But I’m done with all of that shit - I like it when conversations actually mean something - I like it when people tell me I’m good at something - I appreciate it when people are honest with me - I try my best to be honest at all times - Right now I love about 3 people - No, I will not tell you who they are - It’s my business and mine alone - I’m not ashamed of any of my friends - I don’t use my friends for anything - I hate being used, so don’t even try - It’s really hard for me to forgive people, cause of the trust issues - I will not tolerate being treated badly - I’m the first to tell you your faults because I’m the first to admit my own - Red is my favorite color - I’m spontaneous as hell - I don’t think before I act - I don’t’ think before I talk - I don’t really think at all - At least until it’s too late - But sometimes I think way too much - Most people don't understand me - Not many people know who I really am - Only one person has ever truly seen the real me - Not including myself, of course - My trust, love, and friendship are given unconditionally - But if you fuck with me I won’t take it - I don’t think I deserve to - I expect to be given what I give - If I give myself completely I expect the same back - I have a list of things to do before I die - And I will get them done - I truly do love life, no matter how I come across - There are three people that I simply cannot live without - No, they’re not the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - I oppose all forms of conformity - The Church, the government, etc - I think everyone should be able to be as they want to be - I love being free - and I won’t be any other way....
If you made it this far, thanks. I hope you learned something about me.
Read 8 comments
Great Diary! Sic Transit Gloria is a great song as well.

i heart your background. i think my diary wants to reproduce with your diary. shh.

you dont think but you think alot? i contradict myself a lot too.

everything you just wrote basically describes me give or take a couple things.
hello.i beleive we're sould mates. <3. =)
I like your clarity. More people should just be able to say what's real.
Well friends aren't a big thing for me. I get over people quickly which may or may not be a bad thing. Like I would do almost anything for my friends now but once I move we barely keep in touch so I don't ever get too attached to someone. Even best friends. Ive gone through soooo many bestfriends because of moving or having them move.

Red isn't my favorite color. Even though I used to have red in my hair and my nails are red.
my hair just kinda turned orange after the red faded. pshhhtttt its actually sorta better looking.

I don't really like thinking too deeply otherwise i get really sad.
goodgood list.
omg some of those i just could totally relate to and im like omg thats so me...

love the layout ;)