
Feeling: alright
So, ok, Thursday was my birthday (m/ 18 m/) and since then I've been non fucking stop. I had to go to school of course and had a terrible day because people are fucking dicks. Then I went with Christine to Wilkes Barre. It was an aright time, but I was in a bad mood, so yeah. I apparently don't let myself have fun anymore so I just get shunned cause that's the cool thing to do to the clinically depressed "friend." Whatever. Then I went home, right to bed, got up, right to work. We were so busy and I was so sore afterwards. Oh, well. Went home, slept, work in the morning. Anyone sensing a pattern? So, yeah, Saturday was a boring work day. Got home pretty early considering it was a tear down night (I'm a carnie) and went straight to bed cause I was so beat. So then I got up and did laundry and everything. Then off to Lauren's party. It started out good, had smores, made burgers, hung out. Then Ramona went to bed....
Here's where I fuck up.
Ok, so Ramona went to bed and of course the booze comes out. So I had a little bit and it was a funn time. Me and Tucker had some lagers and I was still fine. Then I started the shots of Captain Morgan's. Yeah, suddenly it's not so fine anymore. Half a bottle later and it's definately not fine. So then I pass out and I wake up in the same spot. I feel damn good for everything I had and I just figured I slept it off. If I were only that lucky. Turns out I didn't exactly stay there the whole night. I was too busy throwing up my entire internal organ system. I had alcohol poisoning. Who knew? Bj helped me through it, even though he was pretty damn drunk himself. So I got up and I was still a titch tipsy, too bad life doesn't care. I had to march two parades. ARG! It's a good thing Miss Shafer believed that I was just sick. Got home, showered, sat around, and here I am. Yeah, non fucking stop since Thursday. I can't believe I did that. I'm not ever getting that bad ever again. I won't let myself. But, regardless, it wasn't that bad of a time till I messed up. Pretty good start to my eighteenth year of existence, eh?
I'm gonna stay eighteen forever So we can stay like this forever And we'll never miss a party Cause we'll keep them going constantly And we'll never have to listen To anyone, bout anything Cause it's all been done And it's all been said We're the coolest kids And we take what we can get [Brand.New]
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fucking amazing concert, that's why
i'd drive to pennsylvania to see a fucking awesome concert with my best friend.