So Will was over the other day, and we made up this game called throwbacks.
We'd each have a zone (denoted by red/blue area) and start (in the black circle in that area). Then we'd say go, and try and hit eachother with these foam balls (started with 1 per person). If you hit the other guy, you won, BUT, you could also win by getting six points.
Ping-Pong Paddles (black things around pillar, 4 total)--One point
Fruits (green ball, yellow thing, orange ball, 3 total)-- Two points
There were also additional balls you could pick up if you didnt have one in hand (pink ball, blue ball).
You could also steal the other guys stuff at his base, but you could be hit if you did.
So uh..those are the rules. They're kinda complicated, but, if you were down here in my basement, I could show you easily. This was all in the semi-dark, by the way.
-korex, sitting in the "blue zone" towards the top middle.

::Keeps typing to fill the space:: LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa
::Begins to get tired from typing so much::
Well, I hope you have fun. Talk to you soon again later. Thanks for the notes!
I was playing runescape. I got killed, and lost about 430k worth of armor. If you played the game you would understand, it took us about 5 weeks to make enough money to buy it and I lost it in a second. Im so dead. I'll send you a post card from my grave. LoL. Bye