
February 19th, 2004 has been the best day of my life so far. Why, you ask? Spontaneous Combustion. It's a variety show type thing with tons of awesome bands and performers and such, and I did stand-up in it. Beforehand, for like 2 hours, I pretty much just hung out with the guys from The Makeshift, and they were pretty cool. We ate pizza and had a fun time. The Michigan Theatre is pretty awesome. It can seat 1700, but it wasn't too full, maybe between 1200-1400. Which still totally kicked ass. There were a couple acts that started it off. Third was Tokyo's Pyramid, who were good but didn't really fit my style. However, Emily played the guitar and the harmonica. AT THE SAME TIME. And, alas, I had to go on right after this harmonica-guitar fusion. And, well, it kicked ass. I came out really relaxed and pretty confident, did my thing for about 5 minutes, got the laughs, and went off. It was awesome, I did so much better than I thought. To put it in stand-up lingo, I "killed". Some other bands went on and did pretty well, as well as one guy who played the harmonica, then beatboxed, then did both at the same time. It was all a competition, and the first prize was $500. I didn't expect to win, but I still got lots of crowd noise, which was how they judged it. Who won? Why, The Ninjas, of course! They threw a party. Then came the headliner. Andrew WK. Maybe you've heard of him, cause he's all famous and stuff. He rocked the house. One guy jumped on stage and hugged/tackled him, so security carried him offstage right past where I was standing, and it was awesome. Then, for the last song, he brought all of the performers onstage, and we had a mini-mosh pit. That's another one of my life goals accomplished: being in a mosh pit. Even though it was a pretty tame mosh pit, it was still awesome. We lifted Andrew WK up and everything. This is the funny part. Afterwards, I went backstage to do some stuff, then when I came back, they said we couldn't go throught the sidestage area to our seats, and kicked us out, so we had to go all the way outside and around the place. It was cool. So, then I went to bed pretty late, but I was so happy. It was amazing.
Read 41 comments

no, manitoba, duh.
awesome entry with the links, that's way rad. gummi beans are what i call jelly beans for some reason. and that sounds like a sweet night!
my friend drew the background. just go on paint and have fun..ya know??
Your comment made me hungry, but I'm a vegetarian so I will not run away with the hot dog and pepsi. Tempting, tho.


Who's ass?
where do you live?
you really should write more often
yeah i also have a dirtboard and longboard do u skateboard
yeah i have all the games where do u liv?
i was hoping you'd choose cheesecake. i was going to make it even if you chose something else and just pretend that i made it by mistake.

my friend tom got a 1560. he was pretty happy. then i told him i got a 1570 just to ruin his day. of course that's a fib, but he still doesn't know that.
Are you going to university, or are you going to drop outta highschool to do standup or something?
I was once told by a wise old hag I call my mother that the average american can only name and locate ten states, and also that many think that Toronto is a Province. I have met very very few Americans in person so I wouldn't know, but have always found that extremely funny (and perplexing).
Well, you're not really average, obviously. Anyone would be able to tell from your entries. You is a smart feller! Haha.
Epitome sounds like a highly addictive, very illegal drug.

I'm sure you were great. Glad you had fun. Hats do rock don't they!
true dat, dawwwg.

haha, I'm so not black.
Knymgko Sndnon? What the HELL are you talking about?
oh, you mean the signature in my picture?

no, my name is not Knymgko Sndnon. My penmanship is just really shitty.
I think its time for me to nag.

UPDATE god damnit.
...oh yeah, and I love the pee on they hydrant
i wish i did cool things when i was 13. i suppose you have to be cool to do cool things, though.

i was fake cool. kids came over because i had a pool.
why does marijuana=happiness?
HOLY JEEBUS! is there a video clip of that or something?! I've gotta see you do standup, dude. Not fair.

How come you get to do cool stuff?:-[
Hey!! What's up? I'm bored!! I hate school!! It sucks ass!! I want more friends!! Well, that's all for now!!
vegetarians eat vegetables. beware of humanitarians
yes, well...whenever skeletor thinks of me, his sensitive, more caring side comes out. i personally find the effeminate handwriting sexy. hot damn.
you gotta love mini mosh pits
oh my gosh didnt that entry take you forever to do with all thoes links?
Thank you for that lovely comment. Before I die I have two life missions:to put cheese in a dryer and take pictures of the mess, and to catch more peanuts on fire in my microwave and stink up the house. That albert was a clever guy
Uh..I'm tired, and I just skimmed your entry. Ninjas are cool. I want to be a ninja. Hah. And..erm..I want to know what it's like to spontaneously combust. Yeah, I'm sure you weren't even really talking about those things, but I'm bored and need to write stuff. Yeah...
...oh yeah, and I love the pee on they hydrant
...oh yeah, and I love the pee on they hydrant
Hey thanx for the lyrics.. Not to good at it, i just listen to it, guess im not too good at that, ey? But thanx. Alot! hope lifez awesome! and thanx again! -Steph-
Hey thanx for the lyrics.. Not to good at it, i just listen to it, guess im not too good at that, ey? But thanx. Alot! hope lifez awesome! and thanx again! -Steph-
Hey thanx for the lyrics.. Not to good at it, i just listen to it, guess im not too good at that, ey? But thanx. Alot! hope lifez awesome! and thanx again! -Steph-
Hey thanx for the lyrics.. Not to good at it, i just listen to it, guess im not too good at that, ey? But thanx. Alot! hope lifez awesome! and thanx again! -Steph-
Hey thanx for the lyrics.. Not to good at it, i just listen to it, guess im not too good at that, ey? But thanx. Alot! hope lifez awesome! and thanx again! -Steph-
ooh, a club, eh? sounds intriguing. i'll bake a cake if you bring plates and napkins.

chocolate cake or cheesecake or ice cream cake?
woo! i beat your sister's score! that was my goal the whole time. that makes my day. i feel like writing a song called "i beat andre's sister's SAT score."