Yeah, so here's a collection of quotes because I am so awesome that the people around me are dripping with humor.
"Have you heard of that new Wallace and Gromit movie? What are the two characters again?"
"One's a man and the other is a dog."
"And which one doesn't talk?"
"...are you serious?"
(while playing football)
"I'm Michael Vick! I'm Michael Vick! Alright, this play is called 'I Have Gonorrhea'."
"It sucks, because all the time she thinks that I've randomly stopped liking her. I mean, this time she's right, but it's the principle."
"These teams are obviously unfair! You guys are kicking our asses!"
"I agree. These teams are unfair. Why can't both teams just tie every single time?"
"You guys have to be the same color so the teams are even."
"I was the same color as your mom last night. Red...with passion..."
And, the quote of the century:
"Andre, you are so hot right now."
i HAAATEEE their new cd, it makes me sick. it sounds nothing like them. i'm dissapointed. :[
Just thought I'd let you know. It's nice to hear every once in a while.
Have a great day.
That is why you are so awesome.
By the way, how are you?
I'm thinking of an update now just because of you. Feel special. Because you are. I heart you.
(sizzle, zap, sputter, fizz)
1. A puppy
2. A digital camera
3. Assorted gift cards
4. Socks
5. Perfume
6. An update from the famous Andre aka Korex aka Andie aka Funniest and most Intriguing 15 year old on the planet
You attentive young man.
<3 chloe.
Hah. Thanks Andre, it's greatly appreciated.
And if either of us knew what that meant, I'm sure it'd be an incredibly meaningful statement.
i thought this day would never come
I think you are a grown-up stuck in a 15 year old's body. I work with teenagers on a daily basis and you are just light years beyond where they are.
That intrigues me.
<3 chloe
I didn't think you read that much.
I will keep that in mind.
Although, you are not really one to talk. I mean really "Andie".....
And, of course, the "Andre you are so hot right now".
You're silly. I would tell you my birthdate so I could get a fun birthday entry but I try not to celebrate it most years. I don't like my birthday.
I am so in shock that I cannot put together an appropriate comment. I am also sleep deprived. I will leave you something inspired later on tonight.
I just....just can't believe it. *tear, sniff*