That's right, you guessed it, it's Jackie Chan's birthday! No, haha, it's mine. But his, too.
I guess I'll just put birthdayous stuff here. That means presents. Which I am noticing a lack of. This is not acceptable. Bitches.
Anyway, I'll just be editing this as the day goes on. Gretchen wins the "best picture for andre's birthday" award. See if you can beat her.
Okay, whoa whoa: Kyra and Katie both made excellent pictures, so I'll have to reconsider this award thing.
This is the coolest thing you will ever see, after you figure it out.
Oh, and I got an ipod, but it doesn't work on windows 98. At least not yet.
Don't worry, everyone.
Despite my extreme slownessocity, I finally got the layer thing.
It's gonna be all right.
..By the way, how did you do it?
that picture is insaaaane in the membrane. how'd you make it?
Uhhh.. It says birthday at the bottom in the picture.
I think Kyra's cake thing is gooder. lol.
My cat's bday was april 7
Gretchen put mine on, somehow...
Happy birthday, 'Dre.
Dr. Dre.
Oh, and happy birthday, like I already said in MY diary... My green, nose-picking smiley-dude could kick gretchens cake's frosted ASS.
...We should set that up some time.