Texas should fuck New Jersey

Lawrence vs Texas is probably one of the stupidest cases ever. For those of you who dont know, and I imagine there are quite a few, it's going to prohibit gay sex in texas. Now, I dont live in texas, and I'm not gay, but I still think this is REALLY stupid. This just proves once again that Texas is stupid. If they're going to outlaw that, they might as well outlaw ALL kinds of. It. But then that would be stupid. So really, they should just allow it. Hell, most of the states are screwed up enough not to allow gay marriages. Pssscht. That's messed up right there. Oh, we have Friday (today) and Monday off. So 4-day weekend. I'm going to Will's house later with some other guys for a movie and maybe some pizza. It'll be cool. gbye
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i agree, i dont actually agree with what gays but its their own life and their own pursuit of happiness
what the fuckin fuck?

thats, for lack of a better term, really homosexual. in the 'goddamnit' sense.

sadly, its just one example of how our freedoms are being extracted (though most people arent even aware of it).

if i were a gay person, id kick texas' balls.

hell, id do it anyway.
bacon pizza?
I... I live in Texas. And Jeebus it sucks. What have I ever done to deserve this?! I've been kind to nature and not littered. *sob* WHY ME?!