The Elf Ear Theory (or TEET for short)

Orlando Bloom. He is famous in the states for 2 movies, and I guarantee you he didn't get big because of the pirate thing. He got famous because everyone looks sexy in elf ears. Think about it: Orlando Bloom himself is not that hot. He's just known for wearing elf ears. When I first stumbled upon the fact that Orlando Bloom is cool because of elf ears, I thought it was a coincidence. But NO! This isn't a coincidence, it's a full-fledged theory. Of mine. I've always thought Liv Tyler was pretty hot. Even though there are other hotter actresses, she's always stuck out. Then I realized why: she has worn elf ears. although she looks sexier in the shower in Jersey Girl. Okay, I'll admit that Will Ferrel isn't hot. But he wasn't given the power of hotness by the elf ears. He was given the power of awesome. And hey, I have (somewhat) pointy ears. Why? Because I kick ass. Somewhat. Modesty does not come with elf ears. Although the elf ear theory (conspiracy?) is well-tested, there's still one exception: Although he is an elf, democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich is far from sexy. Except when he's in the shower in Jersey Girl.
Read 35 comments
yeah man. that epiphany was just a pure letdown. your grape jelly one, though, is just plain funny. and you actually tried this out? dude...why'd you eat so much in the first place?

Guess who has a 12-year-old sister? If you guess Kyra, you get a cookie, becuase you're too smart for your own good.

No, whats really funny is that she's in sixth grade. Tara (my sister) turned 12 in December and is therefore in 7th grade. By the way. One of the biggest losers in seventh grade is of my own blood. Sigh.

Anyways, I asked mitchell and he's still dating the li'l' bitch. *coughPEDOPHILEcough*.

Speaking of pedophiles, I heard a pretty funny joke last week-ish.

"I walked into the room and saw my bitch packing all of her belongings into a big box. I said 'Ay, where are you going?'
'away from you,' she replied.
'why the fuck would you do that?'
'becuase I just found out you're a pedophile.'
'Thats a big word, coming from an eight-year-old.'

I'm not good with jokes, but when I heard it, it was ten times better.
so are you saying that i could be gay! wow! lol wait.... what was i suposed to ponder? well w/e g2g buhbye
Very funny. You try writing a lenthy entry on the [stupid] anatomy of boys, and then push cancel....not that you should be writing about how stupid your gender is(we all know the truth); one should have confidence in oneself and who one is. Heheh. I feel like Dr. Phil (just not that old and ugly.hehe.)
P.S. You really should make more of a effort to write a new journal entry (besides, I like Orlando Bloom).
Is the answerrrr... 'Acne doesn't "come" on your face until you hit puberty'?
You know, even though I don't agree with your vulgar language (sorry, that's just something I do not care for!) and your sick,twisted (though humorous) mind, I agree with you. Most boys do drag the whole gender down (take you for example! lol jkjk!). For once, you may be right!
read your comment on iamqueen's sit d (AkA Katrina)- yes...guys do suck...ther are a VERY few who don't.
Very sorry for the ones that do- ya'll have to deal w/ them lol.

you know, i've been thinking this for a while. the twins thing is entirely plausable. age difference? pff..

your "parents" just don't want you to know that you actually are 17-going-on-18-in-less-than-two-months. that's why you seem so wise beyond your years.

you also went through extensive plastic surgery as a baby so you wouldn't look like me.

sooooo plausable.
Haha, that's quite funny actually.

And I think I need to get me some elf ears...

... heh heh...

... or go in the shower for once, maybe?

Lucy x x x x x x
lol wow I really like your diary
haha wow. i'm speechless.
I'll bet that was some extremely kinky shit.
I founded secret text. You and Kyra like.. seriouslly... harass each other... whats with that?
you look like a guy i no. his name is Tyler batik
Kevin is a sexy name. That's why.

^_^ Sexy names for sexy people.

With the exception of your best friend's dad.
1. my middle name is ann
2. i'd pay however much the grocery store charges for klondike bars for a klondike bar.
3. now this one..this has always been hard. it's a toss-up between 'the usual suspects' and 'zoolander'. i just don't know.

and yes, i'll be eagerly waiting for the entry in which you allow us to ask you questions. i have some juicy, revealing ones to ask.

That is sooo true! Except I liked Orlando before I saw LOTR. The 1st time I saw him was in POC. But still...power to the elf ears.
Wow! go you! :-D Thats funny, because Mrs. Loeb told me that I got the lowest mark in french that she's ever seen in her entire carreer at John Gunn. And she got all smirky about it. Isn't she nice?
I Peed On The Hydrant! DUUUDE!
You're Hilarious. And Hot (Did I Mention That Already?) And Yeah, Your Awesome.
Yeah, I've Noticed The Whole Elf Ear Thing.... Weeeird.



I tell my new best friend Liv Tyler that you want her.

With the elf ears.

Out: Gretchen
ok i shall have a kinky threesome with them (kinda wrong seeing as their twins) and then i shall pee on them and run into a wall and pass out.
-Chelsea xoxox
actually..i thought orlando bloom was quite good looking and i have never seen lotr before. so, for me, it's not the elf ears that did me in. ~ash~
Whoa! I see the light! It all makes sense now!!!!!!
Orlando Bloom- Viggo Mortenson. I see the connection now!!!
awe i wish i had elf ears.
Ehh, I don't know... Dennis Kucinich looks do-able.

...That is, if you're a really desperate fat chick(/guy) with gross deformities and had an Orlando Bloom mask handy to put on him. Or if you were Michael Jackson.
hahaha you're funny as hell
for some reason, that entry cracked me up. must be the elf ears. :/
Hehe! But, Orlando Bloom is a pussy, so we don't like him. I agree about Liv Tyler though. Elf ears do add a certain degree of hotness.
you have too much time on your hands, Andre.
Whining in pain/just plain whining- sa'll the same to me...but w/e floats your boat and creams your twinkie lol (got that from my other friend- Becca).

...scarlet whatsherface should die...
plus the movie has little to no color- what's up w/ that?


Oh yea! The comment from Nathan on the "iamqueen" screen name...
he's annoying and needs some serious counseling...
yea- that's all.

i think i agree with kate, andre. but you're still awesome. and you're right, elf ears are hot. i went to my local department store soon after reading this entry and bought some of my own.

i am hot.

and thanks for the comment. receiving a compliment from you is like receiving roasted turkey from the queen.

peice owt
does that mean you like it? or is "artistic" your way of saying "damn, that looks like shit." ?
Pook Pook
I Don't Wanna get naked With The Bears, And Stop Trying To Stick That Thing In Me!
Hello Mr. Glowing Kitty
That's Great heh heh