Here's a survey I made up. Feel free to use it.
Your first name: Andre
How much is your name worth in scrabble: 5 or 6.
The hex color of your name: Andre
An anagram of your name: A nerd
Your name, typed into the phone: 26373
If people mispronounce your name, they say: Andrew
If you type your name on the keyboard, but shift each key over one to the right, it spells: smftr
If you do the same, but one to the left, it spells: BSEW
If you spell your name with the next letter of the alphabet for each letter, it spells: boesf
And the same with the previous letter: zmcqd (now THAT'S worth a lot in scrabble)
Spell your name phoenetically, making it as long as possible: Awinduhraey
An acronym for your name: All Ninjas Drink Red Elephants
Famous people with your name: Andre Agassi, Andre Previn, Andre the seal.
And, finally, what would you change your name to: Kevin. Woo.
Your username: korex
How much is your username worth in scrabble: 16, I think.
The hex color of your username: korex (its black)
An anagram of your username: the copier...kinda...
Your username, typed into the phone: 56739
If people mispronounce your username, they say: kotex (it fits, period)
If you type your username on the keyboard, but shift each key over one to the right, it spells: lptrc
If you do the same, but one to the left, it spells: jiewz (juice)
If you spell your username with the next letter of the alphabet for each letter, it spells: lpsfy
And the same with the previous letter: jnqfw
Spell your username phoenetically, making it as long as possible: ckowuhrayecksz
An acronym for your username: killer ocelots remember everything! X-ray!
What would you change your username to: andre
and i like how your diary is looking these days, (=
very nice sir
thank you much, (=
actually it was kimble who said that, in all seriousness...hahahah kimble you're such an ehffing loser, lies are bad.
Out: Gretchen
im adding u to msn
got yur email from kyra.
thanks kyra
accept xox_loserface_xox adding u ok?
thats kind of scary your docotors name...dr. fear. omg i would like freak out and run away! haha.
i think im going to get juice stop for like 3 meals a day for a week...mmm i love juice stop!
I am highly flattered :)
sam i am
ps... u make me laugh :) thanx... thats hard 4 people to do with my depression problems and all. lol
ANDREEEEE! (crowd goes wild, whooo, ahhh, roaarrrrrr!!!!)
Whoa, who let that lion in here?
Out: Gretchen
it's cool how you change your top left pic different colors.
What does Korex mean?
You should also add the question:
What are better, cheese its or cheese nips?I say its!
It'd be cooler if you were from Syracuse. Go Orangemen! Whoo!
Oh yeah, I'm doing your survey, by the way.
Rockkkkkkkk the boat.
Out: Gretchen
a blue slip is basically a detention slip.
by the way, I love the orange/black theme.
Its very... orangy-black.
a blue slip is basically a detention slip.
by the way, I love the orange/black theme.
Its very... orangy-black.
~Kangaroos Ate The Indonesian Emperor
Spatula's man, they are the best kitchen tools of all!
ps. the second shift to the left first name thingie question on the survey, it only has four letters... which can't possibly be right because your name has 4 letters...
fix it, it's bugging me :)
And you think you have skillz0rz? I responded to THAT in my latest entry.
Punk. Andre the Punk. Punky McPunkster. In all your punky majesty.
Out: Gretchen