
Feeling: bored
Yeah alright so my life? Is that what you want to hear about? I don't understand what you want from me. Stop treading on my dreams. Out out out I'll rearange your face. He'll never be your lover so stay away from me, stay from my house, stay away from him, or I'll sort you out. I thought that you'd be here by now... There's nothing but the rain... No footsteps on the ground... I'll be burning in water and drowning in flame to prove you wrong and scare you away. Your heart under the rose. So here you wanna know about my day. You're gonna have to understand this while I type in lyrics to songs as I go k? So first I was having a bad day cause he didn't come see me in the morning. Then first period was a bore I fell asleep while reading the play. It's boring come on! The truth is that it's cupid baby loving you has made me this way. So then second period I studdied for my french test and did pretty well I think *shrug*. You suffered then you'll suffer under me. Yeah Danni is like the coolest friend. She like understands me and my weridness while all you crazos are just like wtf THIS GIRL IS MAD!!! WTF WTF WTF!!! yeah so be greatful be honest. I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you. Yeah then lunch was pretty cool I didn't eat much but I havn't been eating much cause you know like I'm feeling a bit sick lately. Yeah so then lets see... Band was quite boring we have all this music for a concert with an organ how dumb is that? I don't know but actually it's cool music but hard as crap. So yeah I was like "Damn wtf this music is like horribly hard O:" I linger in the doorway... Monsters calling my name... Let me stay where the wind will tell the story... I lie inside myself for hours... And watch my purple sky fly over me... Then after school I went walking around the school. I was talking to benji on the phone and she got all pissy and hung up oh well. Then I was just walking around for a while and I found Michele. Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming cannot cease for the fear of silent night. She was like spazzing cause her parents weren't coming to pick her up. I called Simon before that and left him a message. Yeah then Michele was all using my phone a hundred million times. It was odd... But oh well she was a friend in need. Love it or leave it you can't understand. Carry on and on and on. So then I'm waiting for Brian and Give me reason to believe give me all your poison and give me all your pills give me all your hopless hearts and make me ill, he wasn't coming so I walked around more. I ended up somehow in the little main lobby thingie calling my mom. (I had no horse back riding lesson today cause it was too cold). So then I was waiting around and who comes? Simon xD what a coincidence lol. So he was like "Hi" and now you've got me watching your eyes, waiting just to see if you'll ever look at me. Then he came over and I was like (: hi. And we talked for a while. He was very very hyper and we ended up doing some fun stuff I was mainly watching cause I wasn't in the mood for all that hyper stuff but that's ok I was laughing. That's what counts. Yeah so he was like jumping across tables and being crazy and running around and stuff. It was cute and funny. Yeah I told him I liked his hair cause you know I do of course. Lol yeah then he left we're the therapists pumping through your speakers delievering you just what you need. And so I was like aww D:. So then some dude came up to me and was like yo I want money and I was like "No I'm not giving you any" I ended up giving him my cheetos cause he was hungry. Then I bought a drink and sat on the floor and he was all hitting on me and I was like wtf o.o. I told him that I was stubborn and I'll burn the city down to show you the light, that I wasn't going to do anything with him. Lol no Morgan no sex not for me yo. Lol yeah so that's basically my day. Lol alright bye. ~Kristina
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Very interesting and brilliantly creative way of posting. I am happy for you and yet wish your day could have gone better. I am too tired right now to properly compliment the awesome awesomeishness that is Kristina. You know I will help if you ever need me, so don't you ever feel hopeless. If all others betray you, you still got me. If that sounds overly "sappy" then you're gonna have-ta take it up with me when I'm more consicious.