Angel's Wings

Feeling: alive
Alright so everyone here's the deal. Today was definatly not a good day. Well I don't know... Somewhat a good day. Alright so first of all Danni was being all suicidal and trying to hurt herself. I don't know I guess I got all protective and yelled at her because I'm sick of a ton of my friends that are depressed ALL the time. Yeah I know I love helping them but that's what makes me angry is when I can't help them. It makes me upset D:. Yeah well I love ALL my friends unless you've done something to upset me. But I love you all. Anyway yeah that's what's going on. Other news band concert was tonight it went pretty well. I think I did well we'll just have to do better for the recording. Gotta make it just perfect. Brought new horn home today to get it fixed. Also met some cool new people. I love you all. ~lizzy
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hi beautiful
hi beautiful
Well I am not feeling depressed anymore. It is really irritating though, when you can't help your friends who are in need. If you need my help for anything, you know how to contact me.
Ok, i lied, that is kinda creepy, but as long as he doesnt like show up on your doorstep, you'll be ok.