American Idiot

Feeling: bored
Bush is an idiot -_-... Gays have the fucking right to be gay. He is so... RETARTED!!! Love is love and you can't help it if your love is the same sex as you... Ok so if I get some damn comments on here about how gays are weird and freaky I'm gonna come and comment back on your diary and it isn't gonna be nice. Anyway so... I think that Bush is a dumb ass. That's just my opinion (and everyone elses). Oh and he's still in that freaking war. WTF MAN!!! WE DON'T NEED FRICKIN WAR TAKE THEM OUT OF THERE NOW!!! I'm sick of all this crap on the news about troops in Iraq. It's getting old and anoying... Let's see what else can I say... Well nothing really. My day was fairly good the tryout piece for horns is the piece I've been working on for a while so I'm gonna kick ass. Yay :). Ok I love you guys. ~lizzy
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Ok well I don't think bush is a dumb ass he's not the brightest bulb in the bunch eaither but he's WAY better than Kerry... becase well Kerry can't...
even get his fucking thoughts straight and durring all the debates he studdered and changed his ideas... Pluss he wanted Crappy healthcare like they..
have in england... and man would that suck... but I'm with you on the gay thing... because love is love I'm a strong beleaver in love and I think...
love should overrule alot of stupid laws... but what can we do... other than be supportave of the gay people we meet... well sorry for the long...
I ramble alot...
sorry again...