A Promis Kept.

Feeling: popular
I went school supply shopping yesterday! sad. I got these extremely cute notebooks but they ran out of folders taht matched so i have different folders. but still the notebooks are tight! I am officaily ungrounded as of 2 days ago. I cant go to Orrientation b.c i have to work on Monday! o well i think i iwlll get over it. Jean isnt gunna be at our practices monday and tuesday b/c she is leaving for Springfield today and might be back thursday but im not going thursday.so we wont see her until Ozarka!! long time away. I have to work tonight then tomorrow night then Monday morning! then some other times this week taht i dont remember. i actually did get a quater raise just didnt no it. still dont make enought turned in my application to the ice rink yesterday. "you must believe me i will not leave you." ice skating coach "EVERYONE LEAVES ME!" Okasna Biuel She has always been my favoirte single skater. i love love love it. and u. Take the quiz: "Which Mean Girls Character Are you? (girlz)"

Gretchen Wieners
Your a conceited bitch. yes i am a bitch! Take the quiz: "Which Laguna Beach Character are You?"

You've got a more comfortable style and aren't the leader of the bitches but you are in the club. You're spoiled and love sushi!!! Im not Kristin i guess im not that much of a bitch! Take the quiz: "WHAT MOVIE ARE YOU ?? (4 GIRLS)"

She's All That
Your hip, smart and hilarious. Your a little romantic but completely funny!! You've got a great way of being sarcastic and you know that life doesn't always have to be ordinary. Take the quiz: "What Degrassi Character are You?"

You are Ashley. I'm sorry. GET OVER YOURSELF! OO im not sorry i love ashley! Take the quiz: "laguna beach"

you tottaly LOVE laguna beach!!! and you would be lost without it!!!! you never missed a show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take the quiz: "What Grease Character Are You?"

U AINT NOTIN BUT A HOOCHIE MAMMA Take the quiz: "Are you a Jessica or Ashlee??(pix)"

You're Ashlee...fun as hell & just a tad ditzy!
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