What's one thing you like to do alone? read, listen to music, cry Do you have a fear? plenty of them. life, myself, snakes What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments? bite my nails or my fingers in some cases Are you a pyromaniac? i mean i like fire but i wouldnt go to pyro Do you know anyone famous? no, but one day brandon is gunna be famous and ill be able to say i used to no him. Describe your bed: a mattersess covered with random pillows and blankets. Who would play you in a movie? Busy Phillips or Michelle Williams, b/c most of the charactors they play each hold a part of me. What do you carry with you at all times? my morals and my piece of mind Are you happy with your given name? sure How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? a lot. What color is your bedroom? green What was the last song you were listening to? The way you look tonight, Harry Conic JR> Do you talk a lot? generally speaking yes Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? Deffinitaly Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? nope Which musical instrument do you wish you could play? base How do you eat an apple? i bite it What do you order at a bar? i cant drink so umm a sodeee Have you ever pierced your body parts? nope Do you have tattoos? nope Do you drive a stick? nope What's one trait you hate in a person? They dont think before they talk. What kind of watch do you wear? none, but if so the one korry and tricia gave me for being in their wedding What do you cook the best? mac and cheese Favorite writing instrument? markers Do you prefer to stand out or blend in? stand out What's one car you will never buy? hummer If you won the lottery, what would you do? move to colorado and do something with kids with cancer. some sort of funderraiser things How many online journals do you read regularly? depends What's one thing you're a loser at? being pretty or graceful If you don't like a person, how do you show it? it depends on my how often i have to be around the person Do you cry in front of your friends? i try not to but sometimes...guard. When's the last time you made someone cry? i duno Favorite communication method? internet..pony expres How many drinks before you're tipsy? OMg to alex;s comment..and i dunno depends on what ur drinking i guess Do you think you're cute? nope Do you like to kiss or hug? hug Are you a workaholic? i actually do like working Do you like to shop? yea Would you die to save the life of someone you deeply love? You have no idea How long have you known your best friend? since i was a freshman, some since middle school, but we werent friends Do you own a Bible? yes Do you like the rain? yes Do you like thunderstorms? yeah! What time were you born? 5:20 or somthing What was your first job? dairy queen. What should you be doing instead of this? homework What are you listening too? nothing, its too late Who is the last person you talked too? My brother What was the last thing you typed before this survey? bored. Who was that too? my title box on my diary Who was the last person to call you? dawson What was the last thing you laughed at: sarahs comment, "YOu just need to try it'll be fun, i never thought i could get straight A's but then i tried and now i think its cool." Favorite word lately: i dunno Are you ready? and waiting What are your plans for the weekend? work, movie, no guard, tight What is the last gift you gave someone: i dunno Do you know what it's like to have those little feelings in your stomach like you're just gonna be sick because the butterflies won't stop? unfortunitaly Anything strange happen to you recently? no Does everything happen for a reason? no You have a crush, don't you? yea What is your biggest headache lately? i dunno what its from but i have had it since saturday What is the funniest experience you've ever had at your job: well a lot, but one, lindsay got in a car accident and her brother hadnt seen her so he brought her hershey kisses up to work and she gets them out and we are giving them to everybody, and she goes up to chad and is like, i no were not supposed to kiss at work but...and she is trying to be all sexy, then John who is gay we were like i no we are girls and your dont usually get kissed by girls but we just cant resist, it was funny. the end. love lots?
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just because i am a light weight doesn't mean you can make fun of me.

love you. ♥ alex
Bananas make my poop turn green.