What goes up must come down

Feeling: cold
just walked home from school, eating some chicken fingers and then givener to coop. crap its cold out! back to ur regular programming... this weekend. Friday - went to "mardi gras" with chelsey...ahahaha in short i went to Andy's. and i bussed there...all the way to pembina. hahaha it was awesome, a great adventure for me. Except on the 92 there was this REALLY CREEPY guy who looked just like the wannabe dilf from the bar two weeks ago. and he just stared at me. it was disturbing, lol. at andys, played video games, watched CSI and Law and Order. We have such an exciting relationship. hahaha, hint the sarcasm. i dont care, i just love hanging out with him. and im slowly getting better at his vid games, lol :D satuday - shopping, which included me finding my grad shoes, grad purse, 3 new pairs of earings and 4 new bellybutton rings. THEY FUCKIN ROCK! then we had work. bummmmy. lol. then i ditched andy (my bad, i felt soooo bad. he ended up going to a party and getting drunk so i dont think he really cared anymore :S ?)and went out with chels. we made the CUTEST COOKIES you will ever see (which, chels, andy said was delicious) and we watched tv in her parents room. Watched Stand By Me. Good movie! Sunday - sleep, then work. busiest fucking day ever, omg. i wanted to cry by the end of my shift. then i raced home, and cooked dinner. andy came over and we ate ceasar salad, garlic bread, and fettichini...with left over cookies for dessert. he said im an awesome cook :D boo ya, lmfao. anywho, after we played video games again...this time i won all the time!! lol, he was getting angry, not used to being beat. also watched Double Jepordy. parents got home at like, 10:30, so i went upstairs to get the ice cream sundaes they brought home for andy and me, and they bitched me out for not having the dishes done. came back downstairs half in tears, and really pissed. andy didnt realize i was upset, and once he was done his sundae he wanted to go home, since he was really sick, and tired, and it was late. then he saw me crying and gave me a big hug and asked what was wrong. told him how mom was bitching, and how i wished he didnt have to go, since all my family was still up and theyd bitch hardcore. he stayed. even tho he was really sick, really tired, and it was a school night, he stayed. he ended up sitting at my house for another half hour, finishing the movie with me. well, almost, cuz mom came downstairs at 11 and kicked him outta the house. of course, she tried to pretend she wasnt mad, just tired, and wanted to sleep. bullshit. but he gave me a bigggg hug before he left, and a kiss on the forehead, and on the lips. mom of course bitched once he had left, but since my dad and sister were already asleep at this point, she didnt scream too loud/long. ever since eric and i broke up, i always joke around and say that love is a strong word. but i really think its true. and i only use it to my two best friends really. i think love is a strong word...so i dont know if it was love that i felt last night. but him sacrificing his health and wellbeing (in a way) to stay with me and somewhat protect me, and make me feel better, and make me happy... well it deffinetly made me feel so fortunate that he cares. i know andy will never read this, but to him i send the biggest and most sincere thank you ever. ....thank you :)
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