:I Could Not Ask For More:

To my girls, you know the three of you…thanx. Thank you for making me laugh when mother makes me cry. Thank you for the kind words. Thank you for being there. Thank you. mother made me cry last night. She said of course, many choice things during dinner… including the weight factor, and how I was so snotty towards her, and then came her ever famous line “I don’t see how you have friends, or how they put up with you.” The second I was done, I locked myself in the washroom, let all the tears come out, then went and did dishes. I am considered weak and immature if I show emotion like that in front of her, so I made sure to do it in private. But you’re guys’ words, and the insults you say to her, made me smile. They helped dry the tears. You guys were there right then, when physically you weren’t. Thank you. And then there’s the topic of Andy. How did I get this lucky guys? How? If there’s anyone on this planet that can make me laugh by any means necessary, he’s among the few. Be it by being a jerk, but fighting physically with me, or just by being really nice. Last night were lying on my bed, right when he first got there, and just flipping through the TV channels trying to find something that peaks our interest. Me- Well, you’re off the hook. Today was too late to sign you up, so you don’t have to go to the dance tonite with me. Andy- *lets out a silent yes and laughs* Me- would you have really gone if you could have? Andy- Probably Me- Why? Andy- Well it would’ve made you happy, and then you woulda been all “yay!” The kid hates dancing. VERY VERY MUCH. I don’t think he even knows HOW to dance. But he was gonna go anyways...just to make me happy. Oh and it gets better. We were fighting all night, physically. Lol, at one point I was poking him in the stomach and he was squirming and I look up to see his fist raised and ready to hit me! I laughed so unbelievably hard, it was kinda really scary, u know? Lol, but entertaining nonetheless. Anywho, he’s in the middle of poking my stomach (grr) and I told him “hey hey, leave that alone, it gets enough attention already” he gives me this look so I told him about mother calling me fat and how she wants me to go on a diet so I can be skinny. Being the wonderful person he is, he then decides to pull up my shirt, blows a raspberry on my tummy, and then kisses it everywhere. He then looks up at me and says “well I like your stomach just the way it is.” Que the tears. I didn’t really cry, but hearing that made me really, really happy. Lately ive been seeing a side of him that’s SO unlike any side I see from the forum. Lately hes been showing he cares. Another example, last night, flicking through channels I come across this thing about Pompeii on the discovery channel. I got all excited cuz I had been there and seen these things, and kinda wanted to watch it. I told him he could change the channel if he wanted, and hes like, “nah its ok, im a nerd I like watching these things” so we watched it. I dunno ladies, how did I get this? How do I deserve this? Him? I don’t get it...hes so good to me, even when he abuses me. I still wonder, what was it about that January 8th that made him want to break up with Veronica and go out with me? Im ever so happy he wanted to, but wow. Rather lucky. I am blessed, ill say that much. The kids a ball and we hang out all the time. Its sweet. However, I think I have talked about him enough for today, so I shall leave. I just don’t understand how I got so lucky... With him, or with my girls, because they are just as important to me. Oober lucky, id say. But im definetly not complaining.
Read 5 comments
i like your diary colours.
your mom shouldn't be putting you down like that, i'm sure you're perfect the way you are.
have a lovely night.
plus, by the sounds of it we go to the same school, and you're in drama which makes you cool.
i love you pam and dont you ever listen to your natzi mom, shes a fucking bitch and you know it yor prefect just the way you are!!!
(ps: had my graddress fitting today i look too pretty it makes me wanna cry and i bought my purse and 2 pairs of pants)
aww... your not fat at all!!! i always saw you as a small person! *hurumph* that was mean though, shes prolly just jealous cause she wasn't as beautiful as you when she was younger =D. hee hee.
you know there is nothing you can do to get rid of me. we are twins. sisters. and i am with you 100%. i also thank you for being there all the time for me even if you dont want to. i love you pam. im ALWAYS here for you!