Freak Dreams

Feeling: discarded
whoever left those comments on my entry "tears for Austin" needs to explain themselves i had a dream that i was sick and a certain someone came and saw me, then it switched and i was visiting him and i helped his sister cut a peice of watermelon and then Austin Came in and tried to take away the knife and then he cut himself and he tried to blame it on me. then i was standing in amongst corn and everything was the color of blood and everyone i knew was walking away from me... and i just stood there and cried I woke up shaking what's worse? Having Austin treat me like a stranger or having him treat me like a friend while he makes it clear he's only doing it so that i won't cry and disturb his real friends....
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well as for the first part if u ask me it means that who ever that is is some one that u know u can always count on and vise versa
~Brandel (no space
Maybe you should explain yourself. And please stop worrying about Austin! I'm use to people betraying me, so you should do the same.
I mean heck; we were never friends. And why do you sound so concern on who this is? Its not like you care. Hey mormongirl07 thanks for hating me.
Think hard on who this is! Who avoided you because he didn't want to get hurt again? Knowing that our friendship was a lie. I'll stop writing now.