Long Walk

Listening to: nada
Feeling: submissive
met another Justin Last night... that will make four. So last night i really wanted to go to the play since i have a club tonight and that ment that last night was the only night so at dinner i saw Evan and he asked me if i was going and i told him yes but didn't have anybody to go with so he volunteered. Niki and i sat on the same row and i explained to Evan that even though we come from the same town this was the first time she actually said anything to me. Granted most of the time i'm trying to make hand gestures behind her back... The play was hilarious... great jokes and of course a cute ending... ironically or intensionally it was a very shakespeare like ending. Let's face it i just like Shakespeare. Then after the play Evan and i were going to walk back to Dorms and instead took a walk all the way around the campus... it took longer than it should have.... considering we took a break in the game room and played Halo... Yah... it was fun.... and this morning i managed to get to class an hour early.... otherwise this entry wouldn't be so long.
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thanks for the comment! i say not by choice because my GPA was so low after last year that instead of transferring to the school i originally intended to, the only school that would take me was a small community college about twenty minutes from home. so i moved back in with my parents. it's not a whole lot of fun.
^ that was me.

i think i clicked anonymous note by accident.