
Feeling: complete
So i had a great weekend. Basically little Galileo, got stuck i think because Evan is all little bit to confident in the snow tires that my dad gave him. But Evan's car got stuck in Rachel's lawn because she doesn't exactly have a driveway. But we watched Hairspray which i still enjoy and then i stayed and slept over and Rachel and i had a really great talk and I got to learn quite a bit of jessica as well. Then on Sunday I was in charge of the linger longer and i was a bit nervous and i thought that maybe only a few people were going to be there but then they announced it at church and somehow that makes a whole lot more people show up but i suppose it worked out well, everyone seemed to have fun. But boy was Sunday busy. and full of food. i really liked it. i'm trying to get a job but so far no good. I'm going to try out for Miss CEU. if anything it might be fun and if I managed to win i'll go on to the Miss Utah pagent. but honestly i'm just hopeful that i'll win some scholarship money, or plain cash would be nice.
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