i'm the night!

watching the moon
Your French name is ~Nuit~ It means 'night'. You are a quiet person who enjoys being alone.
Unlike Congele, you are accepted, you just like
to have time to yourself to think. You
especially like the nightime, because looking
at the stars makes you think of how small we
all are in the world, and how much there is
about the universe that we don't and can't

What is your French name?
brought to you by Quizilla So yeah...i went Ice-skating today...that was fun. I cleaned out my mini van...that was party all around. Mindy is spending the night...Yay for sisters! This is my 31st entry....awww...special! Angel
You look like this

If you were an Anime Girl what would you look like?
brought to you by Quizilla
Read 4 comments
myy french name is gentille. meaning "kind".

ray is myy bestest friend. like a brother, kinda. he moved awayy to l.a. overr the summer, but he came back to visit todayy.

bleh. stupid anonymous button. that was me. (=

but i like ice-skating. even though myy feet hella hurt afterward because i wore ankle socks. heh.

haha yea being sick sucks. but barfing on your date sucks even more. haha. right now im just struggling with getting my voice back. choir is very sad for me right now. hopefully i get my voice back SOON. happy thanksgiving by the way.
clickyy here!
happyy thanksgiving!