34.) It's Been A While

Feeling: torn
Wow, it's been a while...like a few more days til Christmas... Things are going great. Me and Zach are great...I have my permit now..I'm 15...My friends and I are all getting along...my mom and I are just whatever I guess...So, its all okay. I'm ready for Christmas. [= Anyways...there's something inside of me...A feeling. But I don't know what it is. It's like a change or something. I've really been thinking about the new year. I want to change. I don't even know how..or where to begin. But I want to change. I guess this is my New Years Resolution. And I don't even know what it is. I want to be nicer to people and just be myself. I want to step outside of my normality, and be somebody people can count on. I want to earn my mom's trust to go out with friends or Zach by myself..I want to be a responsible person. I wanna speak for myself, instead of letting people walk all over me. I just want things to be different...I guess what I look back on this year, the lyrics from Carrie Underwood's song "Lessons Learned" come to my mind.
There's mistakes that I have made, Some chances I just threw away, Some roads, I never should've taken, Been some signs I didn't see, Hearts that I hurt needlessly, Some wounds, that I wish I could have one more chance to mend
I admit...I have made some dumb mistakes..and some chances I threw away from stuff that I thought mattered more to me. But didn't. There were some roads I should've never taken, and some signs that basically hit me in the face and I completely ignored. I hurt people needlessly just because I could, and now? I see those wounds and with I could mend them. But looking back? [Read the next part]
And every tear that had to fall from my eyes, Everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night, Every change, life has thrown me, I'm thankful, for every break in my heart, I'm grateful, for every scar, Some pages turned, some bridges burned, But there were lessons learned.
Looking back, all those tears that I cried make me who I am now. All those times I layed awake in bed thinking about all my "problems" and all those changes I thought would ruin my life..I'm thankful for all of those...I'm thankful for all the times my heart has been broken..I'm grateful for every scar. Yeah, there were some pages turned this year and I'll never go back, and some bridges burned...but there were lessons learned. This year was seriously a learning process for me. I grew a lot, and learned a lot. This year, I basically wanna take all that I learned from '07 and use it to benefit me and others in '08 and from now on. I'm ready to land smack dab in the middle of '08 and take it head on. I'm so ready. But it's only the 19 of December...I've got a few more days of gathering and learning until '08. So, until the next time I write... ♥ almanicole
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