78.) 2 more daysss

Feeling: amazing
DUUDDEE!! Lemme tell yaaaa!! Okay, school was cool. Yeah...er.. So at my moms work I started writing these different lyrics. Just random stuff. And I didn't really have time to play it with the Em song, but I heard it in my head. Well, band practice tonight...Lemme start from the beginning. Okay, got there about 6:30. We tried to practice but Jordan and Karly wouldn't leave us alone. They kept talking and running around throwing stuff. So, we packed up our amps and went to another room and locked them out. Well, we had ordered pizza, and they came and said it was here, so me and Tab went outside and they barged in yelling. Oh my gosh. Cliff was so frusterated. You could see it. Then Jason came over and we went back into the garage room and played for him before he left. Then I mentioned that I had writtennsome lyrics, so they wanted me to sing it. Well, when I did they were all like "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, that gave me chills, that's amazing". And they named me Lyricist for the band. Haha. Yay. Anyways, I'm going to finish the song. Then, I stayed a few minutes after with Cliff and Taylor and Cliff burnt me this cd. I like it. He told me he liked my songs that I had written and said he could record them and mix them and send them to someone in Nashville he worked with who would actually listen to me. I was like "Oh my gooosh. Thanksss". So, I'm excited about that. Anyways, I'm really tired so I'm going to bed kay? <3
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