98.) XD times 3 << !

Feeling: adored
OH MY GOSH. XD Kay, well, tonight we went to CVS to pick up Taylor's medicine, and on the way, he was like "Well," and he started talking serious like about us. And then he was like "I really like you". And I was like XD. F'real. I was like bedazzled. I didn't even know how to reply, but he just kept talking so it was okay.. Then after band practice, we waited outside until everyone left, and it was cold and rainy and he was holding me in his arms and we just stood there kind of talking. And then he was like "Well, I guess I should get home.." And he kissed my cheek. And I looked up at him and he just smiled. Tonight was good, but now we're talking again, about us. So, ttul!
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I like reading your entries; you remind me of my own sitD when I was your age. :)