361.) Popularity ≠  Friends/Boyfriend

Who would've thought that ...

Unless you're the type to settle for less, popularity will not bring you friends nor will it help you find a boyfriend. WAIT - It does introduce you to pretty much all of the guys you need to know, but keeping one around because he's into you for you -- totally different story.

I think my problem originated a loong way back when I was with Josh. I completely cut ties with all of the people who loved me. Then, when me and Josh broke up I had to scramble to find friends. The friends I found introduced me to modeling, first thing. Which works for me. Turns out, I'm good at it and people love it. Only problem here is, the few friends I made when me and Josh broke up, are no longer my friends. Court is the only friend still around, and even that friendship is on the verge of being over.

It sucks the way my life has always panned out that I NEVER made close friends. Yeah, I have a SHIT TON of friends (2000+ if you're on Facebook) but none them are those life long, true friends, you know?

Let's not forget the fact having a boyfriend isn't easy. Trust me, I've met just about EVERY guy in town AND in Charlotte, Greensboro, and Raleigh. ALL of them are the exact same. They all want to tell me how hot I am, how sexy I am, how I need to come party with them, how I need to let them show me a good time. NO...How about you take me to dinner and not make me pay. How about you take me to a movie of MY choice, not some inhumane fighting shit. HOW ABOUT you don't start off the conversation telling me how sexy I am. THEN I might give you the time of day. ALL guys are so simple minded. Like what, you think you're the first guy to tell me I'm sexy? I get it every minute of the day. THANKS, but try to see past my looks for once?

Finding a guy is tough enough. Keeping a guy around? Even tougher. Guys want to date the "model" but they want to change who I am. Here's my question : If you "liked" me for ME, then why are you trying to change ME? Guys want to be at every photoshoot, they want to claim me on Facebook. They want to tell me what to wear and what not to wear. They want to make me feel like what I wear is inappropriate. YOU'RE the one who fell in like with THIS me, WHY are you trying to change me.

You'd think it'd be SO easy to be me. Not ?
I love what I do, but it's getting complicated :/

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