128.) Been a few days...

Feeling: flirty
Oh guys. [= Well, let me fill you in. [; Thursday...we didn't get to see each other because he had a lot to do, but we talked in the phone every now and then, so, [= Then, on Friday, it was a half day. Me and Sarah had lunch at Starbucks, but we bought McDonalds and took it there to eat. We had a really good time. My allergies were killing me though. Like, Friday was horrible for me. I was miserable. But that evening, he picked me up around 5, I think and we hung out at his house until Taylor's party which started at 7. The party was okay, but I felt horrible, and everyone was like "Are you okay?" I got home about midnight maybe. On Saturday, I went and bought my dresses for Sarah and Maggie's parties coming up. Then he picked me up after he got done golfing around 6. Zack wanted to see a movie but we had until 11:10 that night. So, we watched this movie with the family, then we left to get something to eat. And then we hung out at Starbucks until like 10:30 and then headed over to the theater. We saw Prom Night, which was good and scary, but could've been better. Then I got home about 2. Today, was Sunday. After church this morning, me and Zack and Cliff grabbed some fast food and ate it at Zack's then we all took a nap until church that night. Then after church, we went to Red Lobster, and it poured down the rain all night. Well, while we were there the fire alarms started going off, ended up, the restaurant got hit by lightening. It made me nervous. I didn't finish my dinner. But then we finally got home all wet and we watched the end of The Reaping. And now I'm home, and it's 11. I'm off to bed [=
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