113.) WORE OUT.

Today was good. He called me up and wanted lunch so we went to Jason's Deli. It was good too. Then we went over to the track and chilled for a while. Needed to make an appearance. So yeah. Then at like 4:00 we went to go pick up Zack and we went to two different tattoo places. Man, it was wicked dude. The people were soo tattooed up. And their ears were all gaged. It was quite an experience. Zack's getting his Monday at 6:00. We're all going with him lol. Then Cliff isn't getting his until he gets his check haha. Which will be sometime next week. Then we went back out to the track and Zack got in the truck and slept lol. Me and Cliff just hung out around the place. Then at like 7:00 we were like let's get outta here, so we left and we went to Cliff's house and watched Crank and me and Cliff got super comfy laying on that couch. Then at like 11:00 we took Zack home and then he took me home. I'm home fairly early. I feel like I need to do something until 2:00 so I can go to bed. But anyways, tomorrow we're recording some more music! And then napping. [; I'll talk later kay? [;
Read 2 comments
haha yeah well glad you could find amusement in my random things too. i'll think of you every time i gingerly sit down.

your a loser for bolding that!!!!