197.) 3 more days

Soo, unexpectedlyyyy, I got to spend alllll day with TC yesterday (: Yea, I went up to his house about 12, and came home about 9. And the day was perfect. First, he gave me some clothes too big for me, and we got in this little pool he had originally gotten for Caleb and played for a bit, then played on the trampoline. Then we went inside and watched a little bit of TV, and we took this like almost 2 hour nap on his parents bed lol, it was so nice. We were cuddled up under this quilt and I was wrapped up in his arms, and he doesn't move when he sleeps, but I do, so I would turn the other way, then turn back and curl right up in his arms again. We are totally opposite, but that's totally perfect. He's everything I'm not, and everything I'm not is everything I need, and it's allll in him. He's perfect(: And I didn't feel good at all yesterday, but I didn't whine or anything, and he did everything for me. Make me lay down, got me water and make my food (: He's so sweeeet. Oh, and thennn after we slept, we got up and just chilled until I had to go. (: It was a perfect day. Andddd! Best partttt(: We got to fall asleep together last night, and he woke me up this morning like always "...Babbeee, Sweeeetieee....good morning(:" (:(:(: Just like old times. Today, like right now actually, he's back on his way up there. Buttt ! I get to see him in 3 days (: His mom is picking me up at 2:30, and I'll be home like around 11 that night probably. My mom will not be happy, but whatever. I really don't care. Anyways, that's pretty much yesterday. My mom went to church and is gonna pick me up after and we're going to my grandparents. Which I hate doing. I hate my family honestly. May be a little dramatic about it, but I hate my family. Anyways, yea, so I might write tonight but if I don't, I will tomorrow morning. I have work tonight, ugh Ohwell. ---------- [LATER] Well, today was swell I suppose. Dunno if I mentioned I had a ROUGH night last night. My head and body hurt so bad, everytime I moved, and my head hurt even when I didn't move, god, it hurt so bad, and I whimpered all night, and didn't sleep from 1-5. Finally, I got up and mama got me some meds and a wet rag and I feel asleep about 6:30, I guess. And slept until like 10. Mama went to church without me, and then we went to grandparents house and I came home and slept until time for work. Which was slowww as crap, and boring ! But I made a $1.30 tip ! Ha, it was alright, nothing too big happened. Except this lady called and was like "I want a large pie." And I was like "...A pie? What kinda pie?" She's like "A pizza pie." I'm like wtfff, lol, this whole phone call was like 4 minutes long lol and finally I asked Kat, she's like a pie is a pizza. Upstate people call it pie. Lol, how wtf is that. Anyways, now I'm home. Waiting on my phone call (: I will write tomorrow ! Tah-tah
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