306.) I'm too busy

And, I like it, but it's burning me out. Like today, I was supposed to go in to work and train at 11. But I had school from 9-11, so I packed clothes to change into. And I get to work, and forgot them at home. So, it's not like I could just run home. Home is like 20 minutes away. So, I just went home. Sigh, and there's so much fun stuff going on this week that I've got people working for me tomorrow and Friday. Like, tomorrow I just flat out don't want to work. And Friday, I wanna go to Farmington. Serenity is covering my hours. Thank god. I hope she doesn't forget. But I'ma text her to remind her everyday.

School is going good. It's really boring. Well, my college classes aren't boring. They're decent. But its my intro to business class. I'm ahead because it's so easy, so somedays I just sit in there. I don't do a thing. I text 24/7 in class. I'm surprised I haven't gotten caught yet :) I didn't get caught last year! But, Hailey and Kayla are cool. I love them. And then in my college English class, Morgan, Zach, and Lauren. Trishina in Spanish.

I'm really trying to find a job in a field I think I would like to have a career in. It's so difficult. Lonestar doesn't take care of things like Texas did. It's so retarded. That's part of the reasons I gave up my hours. Texas never worked me at night. Why the hell does Lonestar? I told them not to. And those are the hours they gave me. Like really? I mean, most kids can work nights, I have night classes. So don't schedule me. Duh...I want a new job.

Me and Josh are doing good :) Let's see. Monday I went to his work and ate lunch with him! That night was my volleyball game. And he came. And is now friends with Hannah's boyfriend because he's into cars just about as much as J is. Yesterday, he came over kind of late. Tomorrow, we're prolly going to hang out with his friends. Friday is Farmington. Saturday, we're buffing our cars and then going mudding that night. I'm so excited :) I've never been mudding!! But things with us have been really good. Unlike Hannah and Cameron :( She told me things have been kind of bad. Josh has been getting really over protective and like jealous. I kind of like it :)

I've been talking to Graham. Not in that way or anything, but he has classes in the same hall I do, so yeah. It was cool, but now it's annoying. He's annoying. He embarasses me. The way he talks. I'm like "Shhhh, you sound stupid as hell, people are going to think I actually talk to you.." Anyways, yeah.

I'm figuring out what I want to do with my life. And I know it's something where I can interact with people. So, I've talked to this lady about helping in her Conseirge service. She said she'll help me too! Also, I'm going to start teaching piano lessons :) I'm going to put in the advertisements. And I talked to Mrs. Cromer, and she is gonna give me some books and stuff to help me get started. I'm really excited:) Hopefully both of those things will give me enough money so I can quit Lonestar. I effin hate it there.

Anyways, school at 2:35. Work at 6! It's been a good day:) Gonna be a good day:)

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