Neverending Lucidity

Mood: Pretty good Music: Some Dir en Grey song ... I don't feel like looking at the CD case to find out which one; Number 12, I think. Dream entry? Yes. Of course. I didn't sleep well last night. I just kept waking up and waking up. It was almost like I was afraid to be caught sleeping. I kept telling myself to remember these dreams, but after I woke up the third time, I couldn't remember the previous two - so I thought I'd write down a few key words in my notebook to help me remember when I actually did get up. Well, the first word I have written down is: poison. Poison? My sleepy self should have written a few more words to go with that because I don't remember anything about poison. Next dream. Words written: piccolo, night, travel. I remember this one. But just a little bit. I'm me, but not ME me - I'm the Larc me, and I have my piccolo, and some sheet music - and I have to travel to all of these different places throughout the night - this ONE night - and play this song. I don't know why. But there's a high, very high G in this music. And I can see the sheet music in front of me now, but I can only remember a few notes. I don't even remember what the melody sounded like, and as many times as I'd played it, you would think I'd remember it. I remember flying over a city, stopping before this blonde girl - that I think I know, but I can't recall her face now, but there's a sense of familiarity in the dream that I know her. We're inside this blue-ish room and I'm standing, and she's standing and we're staring at each other, but then she says something - and I put the piccolo to my lips and I start to play this melody that I'd played perfectly all those times before ... But I purposely mess up the high G - I purposely made my breath too weak and slow to support the note, and it just falls out - and I stop and give the girl a light shrug as if to sarcastically say "oops, guess I messed up, guess whatever's supposed to happen to you isn't going to happen now." And I'm smiling at her and I turn to go, move on to the next - victim or whatever - and she grabs my arm. She says something, but I can't remember it now. I don't think it registered in the dream either. But I just smile at her and continue on my way. And I wake up. Maybe it's like a Gabriel thing ... with a piccolo instead of a trumpet ... I don't know ... Next dream. Words written: Rasputin, mind/soul?, tunnels, angel wing right, pink pastel Meh? Yes, I remember this one, too. Not all of it, though, just what's close to the end. I have my piccolo still, but it's in its case, in one of my pockets - and I'm standing in this darkish room, in front of his older man, much older, who's short with dark hair - he looks grumpy, but comical. Actually, now that I think about it, he kind of looks like Danny DeVito ... kind of. Anyway, he's scowling at me, and I'm just staring back at him. He asks me what I want, but I don't say a word. Then, one of the weirdest things happens - I go inside his mind or soul or something - but it's not my body, but a piece of me, an essence - and I can see through my essence's eyes, and I'm traveling through this dark place filled with tunnels - brown and black are the tunnels. Dark brown and black - now, these colors in the world of Auras, are negative colors, bad colors. This guy is a criminal, he's a murderer, manipulator, con-artist - and I know all of that as I go crawling through these tunnels inside of him - and a piece of him is following me, as if I wanted to show him something. And I did. I come to the end of one of these long, maze-like tunnels, and there's this one glowing piece of pastel pink, with just a little of pastel yellow at one corner. It looks kind of like a wing ... sort of. It's in this cavern-looking place, and the "Wing" is just a little bigger than me. And Rasputin's other self stands behind me and asks "what is that?" And I say - and I'll write this out as close to what I can remember as possible: "That is an angel wing. You were born with it. But because you have been doing evil deeds from the start, it never had the chance to grow." Rasputin says: "I'm an angel?" I say: "You could have been." And then I wake up. Mmm ... I don't know exactly what to make of this dream at all. I mean, I've never had a dream quite like that before. Last dream. Written words: traveling, siren red, left side of road, Red, skunk/cattle, fluttery, Vonna, Rasputin, faces change, chopsticks, hungry Oh yes ... I remember this one best of all because it was the last one. What is with all the traveling I did in my dreams last night? Is that supposed to mean something? Anyway ... dream. I'm in this vehicle - a car, I think. Could be a van. It's cloudy out, looks like it's about to rain. Rasputin is driving ... and we're on the left side of the road. I don't know where we are. But I'm just staring out the window, and I don't want to be there. I'm in the back with someone else, but I don't see who it is just yet, and there's a woman in the passenger seat next to Rasputin. These two are criminals, on the run - and they are being hunted, and I am being hunted, it seems. Chased - yes. Another one of those chasing dreams. The woman next to Rasputin is named Vonna - well, for then anyway. Every time she put on a different make-up, her face and hair would change, and she would change her name as well. Her skin was olive-ish tan, with pink eye shadow, sort of berry-colored lipstick and poofy auburn hair, with a sort of 60's tease flip thing. She changed like that so she wouldn't get caught, so authorities wouldn't know who she was. Before she was Vonna, she had a different name. It started with a D. She was blonde, too - but even that wasn't her real name; in fact, I remember in the dream being confused as hell because I know who she really was, I just kept going through the list of her names in my head as to who she really was - and I was still just as confused then as I am now that I am awake. Like I said, there's someone beside me - but I don't see who that is just yet, but I know this person, evidently - and I just stare blankly out of this window. I'm not happy - and I've started getting hungry again. I don't know where we're going, but I know I want to get there - but I don't know how, and that's why Rasputin is driving. He knows the way to get wherever it is we're going. Rasputin is irritable, and he and Vonna are having some kind of argument - and I just want to either get wherever we're going, or go home. I feel the person next to me touch my hand. And I turn my head to see - and it's Red. He's wearing a dark brown coat, and he rests his hand next to mine. He touches my hand again, very very lightly grazing his fingers against mine. I feel strange. Good strange. I have to close my eyes. I start trembling and I have to take a breath - and it's shaking just as badly as I am. It feels as if I have butterflies in my stomach - but not nervous butterflies; good butterflies. I can't really explain the feeling too well. It was almost like Red was trying to pacify me somehow - but I like it. I stir, just a little, putting other hand on my chest. And then I hear Rasputin turn in his seat - while still driving! - and ask Red "What are you doing?" in his irritable way. Red smiles and says "Keeping him calm." Rasputin says "Do you have to touch him? Couldn't you just talk to him?" And Red replies, "He doesn't like a lot of noise. The two of you are enough." And that's when Rasputin glances in his rearview mirror and says "Shit" and starts to pull over because the authorities are driving behind us with their sirens going and red lights flashing. And I just jerk my eyes to the window, scowl, and they drive right on by, missing us completely. Rasputing heaves a massive sigh and then grumbles something that I can't make out. And Red starts talking again. He says "Maybe you should let him drive. He likes driving." I look ahead again, because Red's talking about me. "If you let him drive, you could take a nap. Just need to tell him where to go." And Rasputin, still the ornery man that he is, says "NO! We're almost to a friend's house anyway. We can rest there." And then we start to move again. And as we're driving, we go over this hill with a cattle farm on the right. I glance at that pasture ... And there's this skunk attacking the cattle. It's wierd. Well, maybe not attacking them, but maybe herding them - I don't know. But a skunk? That was different. We stop at this small white house near the top of the hill, on the left of the road, and Rasputin takes us in. This man's "friend" lives like a slob. Very messy place. There's tomato sauce stains on the bathroom's linoleum. Why do I remember that specifically? I don't know. But Rasputin points his finger into my face and says "don't go anywhere! Take a nap. Eat or something." And then he's gone off to take a shower. Vonna's gone off who knows where. And I remember tilting my head to the left, very slowly, nearly touching my ear to my shoulder. And then I look to the floor. I'm still hungry, but it seems as if I'm just about to kind of ... shut down - But then Red takes my arm and leads me toward the kitchen. And he sits me down at this wood table and tells me to stay there - everything's kind of white and pale blue. And it's lit by fluorescents. I don't like fluorescents - I'm cold again. I start to stare at the table; I don't know how long. Red sets a plate of food under my nose. Japanese-looking cuisine, complete with chopsticks. I sort of jerk my eyes at my food, then at him as he sits to my right, with the same on his plate - then I look to my food, then to him, then my food, then to him. He says "Eat." So I look at the chopsticks, I take them in my hand. I don't know how to work these things. So I'm holding them wrong, and he's eating as he watches me try to pick up food. And I can't. He laughs and puts them in my fingers the right way. And does a little motion with his own to demonstrate. I try again. I still don't get it. I get frustrated, and I just stab at this crab-looking thing. And I pick it up, all shish-kabob-like. And he laughs at me again. He hands me a fork. And oh, I'm a happy Larc/Seth, because now I can eat! And I wake up as I take my first bite of crab. Made me wake up feeling all chipper, because, looking back on it and thinking about it, it was kind of funny. And those were last night's dreams. Seems like a bit much, maybe. I don't know. Blessed be. HASH(0x86e68e8)
Goth Die. One of your prettiest phases. Nice
gloves, nice coat, beautiful hair. <3

Which Die are you?
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Read 8 comments
wow. you just writewritewritewritewrite.

on the other hand, i have five fingers.

then again, i like pants and bedrooms.

beware the hallowed eyebrow.

ive just split in two...
ps. interesting dreams. you seem quite imaginative.

all no apologies.

i cant even make sense of myself half the time. so for me to expect you to understand me would be a double-standard.

by the way. you dont have to love tool as much as i; i actually doubt thats possible to match. heh. but you like them=goodgood.

anyway. take care.

secretly being watched by my eyebrows,
~leaves a basket of eskimo and butterfly kisses for Seth~ I love you! And imaginative? No. Very real and very true. I should know.
Seth can make sense of just about anything. But it does have to be just a wee bit intelligent, and not just random words stuck together.
its meant to be a joke.

my boyfriend and i always come up with odd things...i sometimes forget others wouldnt understand unless its explained.
I ... like to write. It's what I do. *smiles*
i get a kick out of that 'i should know' down there.

perhaps you should, but relax - im not omniscient either.

--sklarlet o' hara