
Feeling: congested
You are Cain!
Congrats, you're Cain. Tragic, curious, cold, yet
also tenderly caring--There's really not much
explaining to do if you've read the manga.

Which Count Cain Character are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla I'm ... cold? I'm ... cold? Well, cold as if in freezing, as if in always wearing a sweater or a hoodie, yeah ... but cold? As if in uncaring? No ... I care. I don't ... always show it, but I know I care - and people generally know I care. It's just sometimes I feel that all some people want is to have someone hear their story, just someone to tell it all to - it makes them feel better. So I sit there and listen. A lot of times, I don't feel it is my right to offer anything else - no advice, especially, because a lot of times, I have never been there ... I don't mean for it to come off as cold. A while ago, a friend told me that I had changed a lot in the past two years. I used to be so involved and caring and just ... there, just in case. And now, I seem detached from everything, uncaring, uninterested. Sadly, I know that she was right. She was not the first one to point this out to me - and that adds fuel to the fire that is my conclusion that everyone is right. I have changed. I don't know how it happened, but I know it started about the time I had to work all the time just to make ends meet. I guess all of the stress just gets to me. I spread myself far too thin - I've already snapped at least twice - like rubberband pulled too tight. I've done so many things these past two years that I have regretted, so much. I look back on it now and I think - did I learn anything from this? Does it make me a better person to have experienced that, to have done that - did I grow? And there are some moments I look back at and think "why did I say that? why did I do that?" Because it seemed there was no point to it. I've lost touch with people, with friends and family that I care about - I should be making time, but I don't have time to make. It kills me. I keep telling myself "soon, soon I will be able to spend time with this people, to rekindle these relationships and make them as bright as they used to be." But ... when I actually do find time, I find that I spend it on myself. Maybe that makes me selfish, I don't know. I feel like it does. I just wish things could go back to the way they used to be, before all this drama started happening, before the stress ... But sadly, the past is passed ... and there's nothing I can do but try to be me again. Every now and then, I feel it ... I feel me coming back ... but then it's like ... something happens, and I'm gone again. I'm trying to hold on ... for you, my lovely ... for my friends, for my family, for Dakota ... I'm trying ...
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As long as you're trying and you know what's in you, Seth, you shouldn't spend time worrying about doesn't make anything any better. There is a reason for everything and everything will work out fine even when you can't see that silver lining.
*huggles*...Everyone has been there at one point..and you'll have friends there for you.