
Listening to: Brothers - FMA
Feeling: conflicted
I'm not crying. I just see the world around me, and I see much bigger problems than the ones my friends face daily. Perspective is remarkable. Desmond Tutu once said something about the fact that Neutrality is bad - because, you see, if an elephant is standing on the tail of the mouse - and you take a neutral position - the mouse won't be too happy about that. You have to choose a side. I choose to be negotiator. I want to find a way to heal both sides, even the one I haven't taken, because I am able to sympathize with them. I understand the world now. I understand so much about how everything works, especially people ... I could fix the problem in Iraq. I honestly could. I know how to, and I'm writing a paper about it in Human Geography. I have all of these policies in my mind right now, but no government brave enough to take them into effect. I could fix the water shortage in some areas - I honestly could, if given the materials, technology ... I could make the Sahara fertile if I had the means, time, and a competent team. I could achieve enlightenment right now, but worldly desires hold me back still. ... like chocolate, people, love. I know so much, yet there is still much left to gain ... so much ...
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*huggles* Hey Seth, welcome back. Sorry you had to come back to all of this the way it was but that's life. I'm glad you're better. Hopefullly you stay that way for a long time too. Glad you're caught up with your school too. Time to kick back and relax. As for friendships being broken,I hope its' not quite there yet. I'm still trying, I doubt it will ever be the same but I'll always love and care for her. Only time will tell. And I love you too!
You're alive! -clings and cuddles and loves- Dude, you had me worried there for a while. Welcome back!
I really like your diary.
And you seem very interesting.

I've always really liked the art in your diary, every time that I pass it by. I just wanted to say so, in case you would care that I thought it was lovely.

