Home ... Again

Listening to: Lee purring
Feeling: drowsy
I'm home from the hospital. For those of you who don't know, Tuesday was my tumor operation day. David got me one of those cordless keyboards and a mouse, too, so now I can type and just lie here. You know, what I really need is a cordless laptop. Yeah. Why didn't he get me one of those? I surfed for a minute before coming here, and I read some people's diaries and once again I have been reminded of how terrible I am at keeping up with my journal. I think I'll start writing more. Of course, every time I say that, I end up disappearing for a week or ... five. Oh well. I got a letter today. I made an A in chemistry. Yay me. Now one more month until school starts again. And I'm going to be spending half of it here, in this house. Lee is happy that I'm home. He seems to have a problem with the whole laying on my stomach thing. I hate having to lift him off and to the side, but you know, when he lays on me like that ... THERE'S EXCRUTIATING PAIN!!! I've been passing my time by watching Neurotically Yours cartoons on DVD -- you can check out a few of them at iLlWiLlPrEsS I love Foamy. Soon you will, too. I recommend Five More Minutes. Of course, I've seen every episode about five million times. I've actually been watching a lot of CNN (Yay hospital TV!!) and reading the newspaper - YEAH!!!! EDWARDS!!!! I'm sooooooooooooo voting Democrat. You know Bush is scared when he starts belittling the competition not one day after it was announced that Edwards would be Kerry's running mate. I think that Edwards could be president should anything happen to Kerry. I don't think that Cheney could be president should anything ... happen ... to Bush. Not a smart move, Dubya. Not smart at all. I think you just blew your election right there. Haven't you ever heard of Kennedy? Wasn't he, like, 45 when he was elected as PRESIDENT? OF -course- he didn't get much done. HE WAS ASSASSINATED. Besides. Kerry and Edwards have better hair. I just know that somewhere on this campaign, someone's going to come up with the bright idea connecting John Edwards the politician with John Edwards the psychic guy and they're just going to do a lot of jokes about how Edwards is getting his running advice from the spirits of past presidents or ... something. Yeah. I know. Overactive imagination. I'm aware of that ... you know ... HOSPITAL. Boredom. I've had dreams, but I don't really feel like typing them out. This entry has gone on long enough and I want to go back to sleep. Why? Because the painkillers say so. I'm looking forward to talking to my lovely. We have phone night tonight. I could really use her voice. I get to curl up in my bed and just listen to her talk. And maybe then that will finally remind me that I'm home. And I can stop freaking out that a nurse is about to pop in through the door any second. Lola and Darren are gone to Florida, so now it's just Melissa, her Dad, and me ... and ... uhm ... you'd be surprised how much quieter this house is with Lola gone. I had no idea. Of course, it could be because I just got home. Bedtime now. With sweet dreams of my lovely. Sleep. P.S. For those inquiring minds. We have a new lady working in the kitchen at the daycare. Trish. She's really nice. I like her. In fact, she's awesome. I get to take care of her daughter sometimes. Now, she calls me "sweet" and "nice" because I help her out with the kitchen - cleaning and whatnot. It's different, you know, when you're actually helping someone when you don't want her first days on the job to be horrible and, you know, we formed a fast friendship and we help each other out now. I hear there was a class last night that I missed. *sigh* Mandatory staff meeting. I'm sure that my boss understands ...
Read 3 comments
I agree. If I could vote, i would vote Democrat. Not just because I'm liberal and a Kerry supporter, but because you have to think long-term. If something did happen to Bush, we'd all be screwed over with Cheney. You made very valid points. Even the one with Kerry and Edwards having better hair (they do).

Rock On.

Welcome Back!!!!!!!!!! Just wanted to say that ... Feel better soon and all that lovely stuff! Yeah ... um ... I'd say more but I'm multi-tasking on a level you've never dreamed of! Love you! See ya!
Hey you, welcome home..get lots of rest and all that good stuff,take care.
*soft huggle*
